Cross Creek High School

    Instructor:  Ms. Tiffany Rogers

    Room Number: 509

    Email: rogerti@boe.richmond..k12.ga.us

    Phone: 706-751-9111 (text preferred)

    Office Hours: M-F during 2nd period; afterschool 2:30-3:30

    Or by appointment


    Students, Parents, and Guardians,

    Welcome to Forensic Science at Cross Creek High School! We are very excited to engage you in forensics—the application of science for solving crimes. This is a course rich in exploration and lab investigation which applies many disciplines of scientific study such as biology/anatomy, chemistry, and physics to solving crimes.

    I believe your experience in forensic science will be one to remember—the cases are fascinating, the labs engaging, and the content a satisfying application of all sciences studied up to this point. Plan to actively participate in class, complete all assignments thoughtfully and on time, and to study regularly outside of class.



    Materials Required Daily:

    1. Pen (blue or black ink only) or Pencil
    2. Loose leaf paper and binder
    3. ChromeBook



    Materials For the Course (not inclusive):

    1. Posters
    2. Shoe Boxes
    3. Cereal Boxes
    4. Small toy people/furniture/cars


    Course Content Standards


    SFS1. Students will recognize and classify various types of evidence in relation to the definition and scope of Forensic Science.

    SFS2. Students will use various scientific techniques to analyze physical and trace evidence.

    SFS3. Students will analyze the use of toxicology, serology, and DNA technology in forensic investigations.

    SFS4 Students will evaluate the role of ballistics, tool marks and evidence of arson in forensic investigation.

    SFS5 Students will evaluate the role of Forensics as it pertains to Medicolegal Death Investigation.



    Grading System:

    Students are expected to participate in, and complete all aspects of required work to the best of their ability.  Student achievement will be evaluated in a holistic manner, considering all aspects of performance.


    Student grades will be recorded in the district mandated on-line portal, Infinite Campus.

    Your grade will be determined as follows:




    Minor Assignments                        60%

                    i.e. Labs, and quizzes

    Major Assignments                        40%

                    i.e. Tests and/or unit projects





    It is necessary for all students to present themselves in a mature and appropriate manner that creates the best learning environment for everybody.  Students must maintain respect for themselves, other students, the instructor, and our community at all times.  Inappropriate behavior will result in the involvement of the student’s parent/ guardian and the school administration to aid in both correction and disciplinary action.


    Expectations: All students are expected to follow the rules of the classroom.  The rules are posted in the room as a gentle reminder of how you are expected to behave in the classroom.  In the event that you decide not to follow the rules, corrective action will be taken.

    1. Come to class ready to learn.
    2. Be ready to work when the bell rings.
    3. Bring all materials needed to class—notebooks, pencils/pens, homework, etc.
    4. Actively participate in class.
    5. Refrain from grooming in class--brushing/combing hair, lotion, nails, applying makeup, etc.
    6. Food/candy/snacks/drinks of any kind are NOT ALLOWED in class
    7. Be responsible for getting the work they miss due to excused absences. To get this work you need to SEE Ms. Rogers
    8. RESPECT others and other’s property—the school’s, student’s, and teacher’s.—If it is not yours, please leave it alone.



    In order to succeed in this class a student MUST be present. After returning from an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to retrieve the assignments and the notes missed when absent for any reason.  Make-up work will only be addressed during independent work time during class. Students must see Ms. Rogers  during tutorial hours or by appointment to receive any assistance with make-up work.  Remember: STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING UP ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND NOTES MISSED DUE TO AN ABSENCE FOR ANY REASON.


    I am very interested in the success of every student.  If you are having trouble with a particular assignment or concept, do not hesitate to seek help from me.  I am available for extra help after school by appointment.  Students and parents are encouraged to also use email to contact me at rogerti@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us   Tutoring is available by appointment and FEV Tutoring is always available and free to students for use.


    I am looking forward to an amazing year. We will work and learn together. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


    Ms. Rogers






    A Note to Parents & Guardians:

                Please feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns you have regarding your child’s success.  The best way to contact me is via email.  My school email address is: rogerti@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us.    Likewise, I will not hesitate to contact you if I think that it is necessary.  If you do not use email, you may leave a message for me by contacting the Cross Creek High School main office at 706- 772-8140 or  my Google voice number at 706-755-9111. You may also schedule a conference with me, your child’s grade level counselor or their case manager.

    -Due to the nature of the course, there may be some instances where the topics discussed are more graphic than in other courses.  If you feel that you or your student might have a problem with any potential topics please contact me to discuss possible solutions.  Also, as this is an upper level elective designed for juniors or seniors going on to college, the workload will be aimed at preparing them for this.  They will complete several labs and projects that will require them to research, investigate, write and read.

    Media literacy is a vital component of this course and some of the video clips shown/television shows analyzed will involve dramatic representations of criminal acts, crime scenes, and their investigation. In accordance with 樱花动漫 policy, no R-rated clips or movies will be shown at any time. I give permission for my child to watch the clips presented during class.   

    Teamwork is vital to not only my success, but to that of my peers. As such, I commit to being a valuable and contributing member of my team. It is permissible to photograph the student referenced in this syllabus during curricular activities for posting on the course website, power-points, etc. The student will not be identified in any way (including his or her name). 


    We, the undersigned, have read and fully understand the guidelines for Ms. Rogers’ Forensic Science class.   I agree to abide by these guidelines, and all school policies throughout the school year.



    _____________________________Student Signature & Date

    __________________________Parent/Guardian Signature & Date


    Parent Guardian Contact Information (TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN)


    Name: __________________________________

    Best Contact Phone Number: ___________________________

    Email: ________________________________________

  • Contact Information:

    Instructor:  Ms. Tiffany Rogers

    Room Number: 509

    Email: rogerti@boe.richmond..k12.ga.us

    Phone: 706-755-9111 (text preferred)

    Office Hours: M-F during 2nd period; afterschool 2:30-3:30 or by appointment


    Supply List/Materials Required Daily:

    1) Pen (blue or black ink only) or Pencil

    2) Loose leaf paper and binder

    3) Chromebook (charged and ready for use)

    4) 2 inch, 3 ring binder - preferably Orange (to be kept in class)

    5) Pencil Pouch (to be left in class binder)