We appreciate the parents, students, and community members who engaged in important conversation with us about keeping our classrooms safe at our Public Safety Information Meeting on Monday, September 16. Here are several changes that will be taking place in our school over the next two weeks:
Student Parking
Beginning Monday, September 23, all student drivers must park in the front parking lot facing the auditorium. Student drivers will no longer be allowed to park in the back of the school building.
- All student drivers are expected to have a parking permit. Parking permits are $25.00 and can be purchased in the front office. All permits should be displayed and visible in your child(ren)’s vehicle.
Weapons Detection Systems
Our school is in the process of installing weapons detection systems and additional cameras at all entrances. The new weapons detection systems will be operational by Tuesday, October 1.
- All students and visitors will enter the building through the detectors.
- An 樱花动漫 police officer, administrator, and/or designed school personnel will be present throughout the day to conduct a search on individuals who set off the detector.
- All students will be required to enter the building through the front office after 7:25 a.m.
- If a weapon is found, the student will be disciplined according to the 樱花动漫 Code of Student Conduct and Discipline and may face criminal charges.
In addition, students are reminded that lockers are available for their use. Chief Scott is the point of contact for student lockers. As always, we appreciate your support as we enhance student safety. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our front office.