Welcome Back to Cross Creek High School for the 2023-2024 School Year!
My name is Ms. Bridges and I will be teaching Biology and Environemntal Science this school year. To learn more about me click the About Me link on the Left-hand navigation menu.
Below you will find the Syllabus for each of the courses I am teaching as well as some important information.
Assignments and Student Absences
All assignments are posted in Canvas. The modules have corresponding names to the unit. There is a "To-do list" in the beginning of each unit that details what students need to complete every day of that unit. Please have students continue working in Canvas in the event of their absence.
Contact me: Ms. C. Bridges
Email: bridgch@BOE.richmond.k12.ga.us
Or email via Canavs
Phone: 706-426-1628 (text messages are preferred)
Assignments are due each Thursday. Fridays are make-up days. Grades are transferred from Canvas to Infinite Campus each Friday. The make-up Fridays are students' opportunity for Grade Repair. Students will also be offered time at the end of the semester (before the lock date) to catch up on missing work and receive assistance with these assignments. No other grade repair options will be offered. The assignments will lock at the end of that semester.
Semester 1 Assignments will lock December 12th @ 2:30pm.
Semester 2 Assignments will lock May 15th @ 2:30pm.
Cross Creek High School
3855 Old Waynesboro Rd., Augusta, GA 30906
Phone: 706-772-8140|
Fax: 706-772-8149
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