Name : Mrs. GraingerGrade(s):High SchoolSubject(s): Economics / Personal Financial LiteracyAdditional assistance is available upon request.
Please see Mrs. Grainger for Edmodo codes.Tutoring on Monday - Thursdays from 2:45-3:15
"Distance learning" means teachers will facilitate student-driven learning at home by providing instructional materials, assignments, assessments and information online. Mrs. Grainger's classes will continue to use Microsoft Teams (website) daily to give assignments, assessments, updates and any other class information. I will be available Monday-Friday from 8am-12pm and 1pm-4pm if you have questions, concerns, or feedback.
You may reach me through email, REMIND messaging service, or leaving message on Teams.
Email: grainda@richmond.k12.ga.us
Contact me through Remind, a texting service for students, teachers, and parents.
- Join Remind by downloading the app
- Text this message:
@cceconsp20 to this number: 81010 for Economics
@apsp2020 to this number: 81010 for AP Macroeconomics
Texting is enabled to teacher and you will receive reminders regarding your class, assignments, due dates, etc. You may also send direct messages to teacher.
As Economics is a requirement for graduation, staying current with classwork is essential!
Our primary platform for distance learning classwork will be Edgenuity. Edgenuity has quizzes and tests as part of the instruction; these will count as classwork. Each unit will culminate in a test given on USA Test Prep to ensure that students have learned the material. Classwork = 50% and Tests = 50%. Alternatives may be available as we go forward for some assignments, especially online platforms we have been using this year like USA Test Prep, Economic Lowdown and Quizlet.
Edgenuity and USA Test Prep is accessible through the Launch Pad. Links to other online platforms can be found on this teacher page. Class codes are found on Teams.Please see Teams regularly for due dates and specifics on testing.
Mrs. Grainger
Cross Creek High School
Economics Teacher