Mrs. Grainger’s Syllabus
Economics Spring 2021
Course Description:
Economics is the study of how individuals satisfy the unlimited wants with limited resources. This is a required course to graduate from an accredited high school in the state of Georgia.
Course Objectives:
During the semester we will study the following areas in Economics;
- Fundamentals
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- International Economics
- Personal Finance
O’Sullivan, Arthur and Sheffrin, Steven M: Economics. Pearson, 2016
Grading Percentages
Summative assessments (tests, performance..................................…….…..30%
Formative Assessments (Quizzes/Class work, Oral Presentations )....................................................................…...40%
Partcipation ............................................................................................................................10%
Tutorial Days:
Monday - Thursday 2:45-3:15
Upon Request with at least 24 hour notice
Student Conduct/Discipline
It is the responsibility of ALL students to read the Richmond County Board of Education Code of Student Conduct, 2020-2021. Special attention should be given to the following: Dress Code, Bullying, Tardiness, and unexcused Absences. You are expected to attend each and every class. The less you attend the more you miss.
Tardy rule – Must be in your seat when the bell rings in order to not receive a tardy. If you are late you must go get a tardy pass from an administrator. These are not my rules they are the rules of the school and they will be enforced. If you miss 5 minutes of each class period you are missing 25 minutes of class a week and over an hour and a half each month.
Cell phones – Unless it is a technology day, do not let me see them. If I see them I have to take them this is part of my job and part of the rule book here at Cross Creek. If I see any electronic devices you are taking the choice out of my hands because I have to take them at that point.
Expectations/Classroom Rules
- Be in your seat by the tardy bell. No passes will be given.
- Do not leave your seat during entire class without asking first.
- NO talking when the teacher is talking or during individual student work.
- Be repectful of other students opinions ajust as they will be respectful of yours.
- Bring a pencil or pen to class everyday.
IMMATURITY will NOT be tolerated! NO EXCUSES!
* Adjustments and/or further additions to this list may be required. Falure to comply with these expectations, as well any violations of the school-wide conduct policy, will result in one of the following actions, as appropriate: Verbal Warning, Detention, Parent/Teacher Conference, Discipline Referral.
Absence/Make-up Procedure:
It is expected that students will attend all classes. Attending class is the only way to gain the full impact of the class and its activities.
When a student misses class, it is the student’s responsibility to ask a fellow student what assignment(s) was/were missed. If the student needs clarification, then the student should check with the teacher.
When a student has make-up work to complete, the work is due the next time that class meets.
When a student misses a test or a quiz, the assessment MUST be made up within 5 school days of the absence. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! The make-up session must be student initiated.
Major assignments (like a project or report) are DUE on the due date whether the student is in class or not. If the major assignment is not turned in on the DUE DATE, a grade of zero will be assigned.
Parents may contact me by phone (706- 373-4378) or by Canvas inbox. In addition, conferences may be requested to discuss a student’s progress or behavior.