



    Mrs. Grainger’s Syllabus

    Economics Spring 2021 

    Course Description:  

    Economics is the study of how individuals satisfy the unlimited wants with limited resources. This is a required course to graduate from an accredited high school in the state of Georgia.


    Course Objectives:

    During the semester we will study the following areas in Economics;

    • Fundamentals
    • Microeconomics
    • Macroeconomics
    • International Economics
    • Personal Finance


    O’Sullivan, Arthur and Sheffrin, Steven M: Economics. Pearson, 2016


    Grading Percentages

    Summative assessments (tests, performance..................................…….…..30%

    Formative Assessments (Quizzes/Class work, Oral Presentations )....................................................................…...40%

    Partcipation ............................................................................................................................10%


    Tutorial Days:

    Monday - Thursday   2:45-3:15

     Upon Request with at least 24 hour notice


    Student Conduct/Discipline

    It is the responsibility of ALL students to read the Richmond County Board of Education Code of Student Conduct, 2020-2021.  Special attention should be given to the following:  Dress Code, Bullying, Tardiness, and unexcused Absences. You are expected to attend each and every class. The less you attend the more you miss.   


    Tardy rule – Must be in your seat when the bell rings in order to not receive a tardy. If you are late you must go get a tardy pass from an administrator. These are not my rules they are the rules of the school and they will be enforced. If you miss 5 minutes of each class period you are missing 25 minutes of class a week and over an hour and a half each month.


    Cell phones – Unless it is a technology day, do not let me see them. If I see them I have to take them this is part of my job and part of the rule book here at Cross Creek. If I see any electronic devices you are taking the choice out of my hands because I have to take them at that point.


    Expectations/Classroom Rules

    1. Be in your seat by the tardy bell. No passes will be given.
    2. Do not leave your seat during entire class without asking first.
    4. NO talking when the teacher is talking or during individual student work.
    5. Be repectful of other students opinions ajust as they will be respectful of yours.
    6. Bring a pencil or pen to class everyday.

    IMMATURITY will NOT be tolerated!  NO EXCUSES!

    * Adjustments and/or further additions to this list may be required.  Falure to comply with these expectations, as well any violations of the school-wide conduct policy, will result in one of the following actions, as appropriate: Verbal Warning, Detention, Parent/Teacher Conference, Discipline Referral.



    Absence/Make-up Procedure:

    It is expected that students will attend all classes.  Attending class is the only way to gain the full impact of the class and its activities.

    When a student misses class, it is the student’s responsibility to ask a fellow student what assignment(s) was/were missed.  If the student needs clarification, then the student should check with the teacher.

    When a student has make-up work to complete, the work is due the next time that class meets.

    When a student misses a test or a quiz, the assessment MUST be made up within 5 school days of the absence.  NO EXCEPTIONS!!!  The make-up session must be student initiated.

    Major assignments (like a project or report) are DUE on the due date whether the student is in class or not.  If the major assignment is not turned in on the DUE DATE, a grade of zero will be assigned.


    Parents may contact me by phone (706- 373-4378) or by Canvas inbox. In addition, conferences may be requested to discuss a student’s progress or behavior.