The American West
Media Center ResourcesDuncan, D. (1996). Peoples of the west. Boston, MA, Little, Brown & Co.
Call Tag: 920 DUN
Lexile ~800
Tells the stories of fifteen men and women whose individual experiences provide a representative picture of life during the formative years of the American West.
Hermes, P. (2001). Westward to home. New York, Scholastic.
Call Tag: F HEM
Lexile 540
In 1848, nine-year-old Joshua Martin McCullough writes a journal of his family's journey from Missouri to Oregon in a covered wagon. Includes a historical note about westward migration.
Hicks, P. (2002). You wouldn’t want to live in a wild west town!: Dust you’d rather not settle. New
York: F. Watts.
Call Tag: 978 HIC
Lexile ~770
Looks through the eyes of the fictional marshal of an imaginary town called Dustville to show what life was like on the Great Plains just after the Civil War.
MacBride, R. L., Ed. (1976). West from home: Letters of Laura Ingles Wilder to Almonzo Wilder;
San Francisco, 1915. New York: Harper & Row.
Call Tag: B WIL
Lexile ~850
A selection of letters by Laura Ingalls Wilder to her husband in which she describes the highlights of her visit to the west coast in 1915.
Markel, R. J. (2004). Your travel guide to America’s old west. Minneapolis, MN : Lerner
Publications Co.
Call Tag: 917 MAR
Lexile ~900
Takes readers on a journey back in time in order to experience life in the American West in the 1800s, describing clothing, accommodations, foods, local customs, transportation, a few notable personalities, and more.
McGowen, T. (1998). African-Americans in the old west. New York: Children's’ Press.
Call Tag: 978 MCG
Lexile 860
Describes the important role of freed slaves and other African-Americans in the settlement of the West.
Miller, B. M. (1995). Buffalo gals: Women of the old west. Minneapolis, MN : Lerner Publications.
Call Tag: 978 MI
Lexile 1110
Text and photographs tell the story of pioneer women: schoolmarms, ranchers, shopkeepers, doctors, mail-order brides, as well as, Native American women.
Murphy, J. (1998). West to a land of plenty. New York: Scholastic.
Call Tag: F MUR
Lexile 1070
While traveling in 1883 with her Italian-American family (including a meddlesome little sister) and other immigrant pioneers to a utopian community in Idaho, fourteen-year-old Teresa keeps a diary of her experiences along the way.
Randolph, R. R. (2003). Following the great herds: The Plains Indians and the American buffalo.
New York: PowerKids Press.
Call Tag: 639 RA
Details the effects of westward expansion on the Plains Indian Nations who followed the seasonal migrations of buffalo herds.
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United States history. (2017). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
Click on “Growth of a Nation”
Article Level 1 is Lexile 1000
Article Level 2 is Lexile 1030
Manifest Destiny. (2017). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
Article Level 1 is Lexile 1210
Article Level 2 is Lexile 1700