Earth Day Resources
Media Center
Celebrating Earth Day Dewey 394 AR 4.1
Read about what Earth Day means, Earth Day at school, and what you can do to keep our planet clean".
Earth Day--Hooray! Dewey 513 AR3.5
A drive to recycle cans on Earth Day teaches the children of the Maple Street School Save-the-Planet Club about place value.
On Earth Dewey 525 AR 3.1
Text and illustrations relate the motions of the Earth to time, such as the year, seasons, and days.
Biscuit’s Earth Day Celebration Dewey E CAP AR 1.6
Biscuit attends an Earth Day celebration where he helps plant flowers and trees, and learns about conservation, recycling, and ways to keep the environment clean.
Earth Day Dewey E MCN AR 2.2
When Mrs. Connor's class celebrates Earth Day, Emma decides to start small by recycling, using only what she needs, and picking up trash when she goes for a walk.
Clifford’s Spring Clean Up Dewey E BRI AR 2.3
Clifford's help with spring cleaning is not appreciated until he gets involved in neighborhood Earth Day projects.
Dora Celebrates Earth Day Dewey E SOl AR 3.3
Dora asks her family and friends what they do to help save the Earth and has a party at Play Park to celebrate Earth Day.
I Need the Earth and the Earth Needs Me VIDEO VCR 579
To increase the students sense of wonder and reverence for the one earth that is shared by all who live here.
Resources from GALILEO
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Earth Day article
This article can be read with a Lexile of 860 or, if you go to level 2, the Lexile is 1070.
Resources from the InternetLive Science: Earth Day Facts and History
Resources from myOn.
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Earth Day Grades K-2
We live on an amazing planet. But we have to work hard to keep it clean. Let’s celebrate Earth and its future.
All About Earth Grades 3-6
Science-based, clear instructions guide readers through experiments pertaining to Earth, including its rotation in space, seasons, gravity, and matter. An engaging way to support the next generation Science Standards. Experiments are simple, accessible, and something that could be used at a science fair, in the classroom, or at home.