Media Center Resources
Ashley, S. (2005). I can use a computer. Milwaukee, WI: Weekly Reader Early Learning Library.
“Youngsters explore the different parts of a computer and how they are used.”
Call Tag: 004 AS
Lexile 230LG
Gifford, C. (2015) The science of computers. St. Catharines, ON: Crabtree Publishing Company.
"Takes an overall look at information technology, exploring how computers operate and the devices that are used in homes, schools, and businesses today ... [and] the history of the development of information technology and digital devices…”
Call Tag: 004 GI
Lexile 1030L
Halls, K. M. (2010). Virtual reality specialist. Ann Arbor, MI: Cherry Lake Publishers.
“Introduces readers to the skills, education, and training needed to become a virtual reality specialist.”
Call Tag: 004 HA
Lexile 990MG
Jackson, C. (2010). Revolution in computers. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark.
“Reviews the history of computers, describing the development of computer technologies and the science behind those innovations.”
Call Tag: 004 JA
Lexile ~870
Oxlade, C.(2011). The computer. Chicago, IL: Heinemann Library.
“Examines the evolution of computer technology and design and how they affect today's world.”
Call Tag: 004 OX
Lexile 970L
Petrie, K. (2009). Computers. Adenia, MN: Adobe Press.
“Introduces children to computers, describing the first computers, parts and how they work, and careers working with them.”
Call Tag: 004 PE
Lexile 820LG
Shea, J. M. (2013). Combating computer viruses. New York: Gareth Stevens.
“Provides information and advice about combating computer viruses, discussing how to avoid, identify, and remove them, in addition to other related topics.”
Call Tag: 005.8 SH
Lexile 910MG
Sirota, L. A. (2012). Technological design. Ann Arbor, MI: Cherry Lake Publishers.
“Helps students learn about technological design, describing how microwaves, televisions, cell phones, computers, and gaming systems work.”
Call Tag: 620 SI
Lexile 890L
Taylor-Butler, C. (2017). Computers. New York, NY: Children’s Press.
“Learn all about the history of computers, from how they were first invented to how they impact our lives today."--Provided by publisher.”
Call Tag: 004 TA
Lexile 920L
Computer Coding
Pratt, M. K. (2016). What is computer coding? Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications.
“Discusses what computer coding is and how it works”
Call Tag: 005 PR
Lexile 540L
Wainewright, M. (2015). How to code. A step-by-step guide to computer coding (Book 1). Irvine, CA: Quarto Library.
“A beginner's guide to computer programming that covers basic coding concepts and provides step-by-step instructions for using Scratch and Logo.”
Call Tag: 005 WA
Lexile 740L
Wainewright, M. (2015). How to code. A step-by-step guide to computer coding (Book 2). Irvine, CA: Quarto Library.
“A beginner's guide to computer programming that covers basic coding concepts and provides step-by-step instructions for using Scratch and Logo.”
Call Tag: 005 WA
Lexile 780L
Wainewright, M. (2015). How to code. A step-by-step guide to computer coding (Book 3). Irvine, CA: Quarto Library.
“A beginner's guide to computer programming that covers basic coding concepts and provides step-by-step instructions for using Scratch and Logo.”
Call Tag: 005 WA
Lexile 710L
Wainewright, M. (2015). How to code. A step-by-step guide to computer coding (Book 4). Irvine, CA: Quarto Library.
“A beginner's guide to computer programming that covers basic coding concepts and provides step-by-step instructions for using Scratch and Logo.”
Call Tag: 005 WA
Lexile 800L
People in Computing
Brown, J. A. (2005). Bill Gates. Milwaukee, WI: Weekly Reader Early Learning Library.
“Presents a short biography on Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, his early life, education, and entrance into the world of big business.”
Call Tag: B GAT
Lexile 560LG
Greenburg, K. E. (1994). Steven Jobs & Stephen Wozniak: Creating the Apple computer. Woodbridge, CONN: Blackbirch Press.
“Biographies of the two men who became partners to create the Apple Computer Company.”
Call Tag: B GRE
Lexile 990L MG
Lemke, D. (2007). Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and the personal computer. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
“An account of how Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs developed the personal computer and continued to make improvements to the machines after creating the Apple computer company. Presented in graphic format.”
Call Tag: B LEM
Lexile GN680L
Mattern, J. (2003). Grace Hopper: Computer pioneer. New York: PowerKids Press.
“A biography of the teacher, inventor, and computer pioneer who worked with the world's first computers.”
Call Tag: 921 HOP
Lexile 770L
Khan Academy Resources
Computer Programming
441 Lessons
“Learn how to program drawings, animations and games using JavaScritp and ProcessingJS, or learn how to create web pages with HTML and CSS. You can share whatever you create, explore what others have created and learn from each other!”
Computer Science
178 Lessons
“Learn select topics from computer science-algorithms (how we solve common problems in computer science and measure the efficiency of our solutions), cryptography (how we protect secret information), and information theory (how we encode and compress information).”
Hour of Code
49 Lessons
“Only have an hour? Learn the basics of programming, making webpages or creating databases.”
GALILEO ResourcesComputer." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 13 Aug. 2017. . Accessed 17 Oct. 2017.
Lexile Article 1 860L
Lexile Article 2 1320L
Bill Gates." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 13 Aug. 2017. . Accessed 17 Oct. 2017.
Lexile Article 1 810L
Lexile Article 2 1220L
"Steve Jobs." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 13 Aug. 2017. . Accessed 17 Oct. 2017.
Lexile Article 1 780L
Lexile Article 2 1220L
myOn Resources
Anniss, M. (2015) Understanding computer networks. Heinemann Raintree.“This book looks at the basics of computer networks. It describes what networks are and how they work, the different kinds of network, and the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web. It explains how to contact people online using email and social networks, shows how networks can be used to work with other people online, and touches on creating websites and blogs. The topics covered are illustrated with do's and don'ts, Did You Know? boxes and current developments in the world of computing.”
Audio Time 44 mins
Lexile 1160L
Anniss, M. (2015) Understanding programming and logic. Heinemann Raintree.
“This book looks at the basics of computer programming. It explains how programming is based on logical reasoning and the answers to simple questions, what can be done with computer programming, and how to use control languages. Simple flow diagrams and examples illustrate the concepts clearly and there are suggestions for creating simple programs. The topics covered are illustrated with do's and don'ts, Did You Know? boxes and current developments in the world of computing.”
Audio Time 44 mins
Lexile 1070L
Gregoire, M. (2012). Computers. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
“Learn how people use computers for work, study, and fun in this beginning look at technology.”
Audio Time 3 mins
Lexile 420L
Harbo, C. L. (2014). Bill Gates. Capstone Press.
“Explore the life and achievements of Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and social activist.”
Audio Time 4 mins
Lexile 580L
Hubbard, B. (2017). How computers work. Heinemann Raintree.
“Ever wonder what goes on inside your computer? Take a look into how processors, networks, and more are all connected.”
Audio Time 4 mins
Lexile NC700L
Hubbard, B. (2017). Using digital technology.. Heinemann Raintree.
“Digital technology can sometimes be overwhelming. Find out what computers are used for. Learn how to store information, search online, play games, and more.”
Audio Time 3 mins
Lexile NC770L
Mason, P. (2015). Understanding computer safety. Heinemann Raintree.
“This book looks at the basics of computer safety. It emphasises that once a computer is online, the user is open to dangers of various kinds, so there is a need to keep information private and use secure passwords. It defines digital footprints and online identity, and explains how to tell if a website is safe to visit. It also explains about computer etiquette and cyber bullying. The concepts are illustrated with case studies and examples of searches, and there are do's and don'ts and fact boxes to illustrate the topics covered.”
Audio Time 49 mins
Lexile 960L
Mason, P. (2015). Understanding computer search and research. Heinemann Raintree.
“This book looks at the basics of computer search and research. It explains the difference between search and research, how to search and how to organise the results of a search to turn them into research. It describes how search engines work, and how to get the best results from your search. There are tips for successful searches including how to spot plagiarism and how to acknowledge sources. Try This features give suggestions for practising search techniques, and there are fact boxes to illustrate the topics covered.”
Audio Time 48 mins
Lexile 920L
Peterson, M. C. (2015). The first computers. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
“The first laptop computer weighed 24 pounds 10 kilograms! What were early computers like and who made them? Find out about the first supercomputers, the first personal computers, the first smartphone, and more.”
Audi Time 4 mins
Lexile 430L
Internet Resources
Kreit, A. & Jessica Wanke. (n. d.). Timeline: Bill Gates from geek to gazillionaire to do-gooder. NPR. Retrieved from
Science Kids. (2016). Technology facts. Retrieved from
(2017). “William H. Gates III. American Academy of Achievement. Retrieved from
Zimmermann, K. A. (2017). History of computers: A brief timeline. Live Science Retrieved from