• Paul Revere Resources


    Media Center Resources



    Fritz, J. (1996). And then what happened Paul Revere? New York: G.P Putnam’s.


    Call # 921; AR 5.3; Lexile 830

    Summary: “Describes some of the well-known as well as the lesser-known details of Paul Revere's life and exciting ride.”

    Jeffrey, G. (2012). Paul Revere and his midnight ride. New York; Gareth Stevens



    Call # 974; AR 3.4; Lexile GN~600

    This is a graphic novel from the series Graphic Heros of the American Revolution.

    Summary: “Relates, in graphic novel format, the role Boston silversmith Paul Revere played in the American Revolution, particularly his ride through the countryside to sound the alarm that the British were about to attack, giving the Sons of the Liberty time to prepare.”

    Karapetkova, H. (2010). Riding with Paul Revere. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Publishers.


    Call # 973; AR 4.7; Lexile GN860

    This is a graphic novel from a series called Illustrated History.

    Summary: “Provides a brief account of the beginning of the American Revolution and silversmith Paul Revere's historic ride to warn the patriots of the arrival of the British on the night of April 18, 1775.”


    Longfellow, H. W. (2003). Paul Revere’s ride: The landlord's tale. New York:



    Call # 811; AR 5.7; Lexile ~850

    Summary: “An illustrated edition of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's long poem about Paul Revere's famous ride at the start of the American Revolution.”

    Niz, X. (2006). Paul Revere’s ride. Mankato; MN: Capstone Press.


    Call # B Rev; AR 3.7; Lexile GN530

    This is a graphic novel from the Graphic Library series.

    Summary: “An account of American patriot Paul Revere's famous ride to warn John Hancock and Sam Adams that the British were coming to arrest them and planning to seize weapons gathered by the colonial militia in preparation for the Revolutionary War.”




    Liberty's Kids (2002). Midnight Ride. Los Angeles, CA; DIC Entertainment



    This on on Disc 1.


    GALILEO Resources

    Don’t forget, all of the resources within GALILEO are able to read to the students. Most can also be translated into most any language.


    Paul Revere. (2015). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved


    Lexile 900

    This article includes many images and a 34 second video


    Paul Revere. (2015). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved


    Lexile 990



    Internet Sources


    The Real Story of Paul Revere’s Ride

    Includes a map of the ride.


    Paul Revere

    From History.com includes links to short videos and related information like a “Sons of Liberty” infograph: here is the link: