• Dual Enrollment is a program for 11th and 12th grade students who wish to take college level coursework for credit towards high school and college graduation requirements. In order to participate, you and your parent must meet with your Cross Creek Counselor initially to discuss the process. 

    Cross Creek Dual Enrollment & First Steps

    1. Schedule an appointment with Dual Enrollment Counselor at CCHS BEFORE applying to the college or completing any paperwork for the Dual Enrollment (DE) program.
    2. 9th graders cannot dual enroll. 10th graders have limited eligibility. Familiarize yourself with our state’s information about DE eligibility for all grade levels: 
    3. Create an account with GAFutures and submit an online DE Funding Application through GAFutures. 
    4. Apply for admission to the college/university you plan to attend as a DE student.

    • Augusta University: 

    • Georgia Military College: 

    • Augusta Technical College: 

    • East Georgia College: 

    1. If you are planning to attend Augusta University, you must have a qualifying SAT or ACT score. Register to take the exam before the admissions deadline to the college. You can register at  for the SAT and  for the ACT. Have your scores sent DIRECTLY to the college from either the College Board or ACT websites. They will not accept them from the high schools. The student must send them directly to the college. Augusta Tech and East Georgia College will accept an Accuplacer score in place of an SAT or ACT score:  . Students will schedule with the college to take the Accuplacer. GMC does not require testing for DE.
    2. Provide an official copy of your high school transcript to the college (after you submit your application to the college). Email your counselor to let them know that you are ready for your official transcript to be sent electronically after you apply.
    3. Once you have received confirmation of your acceptance from the college/university, then you will need to complete step 8.
    4. Attend your Orientation and Register for your DE class(es) at your college/university. Send the CCHS Dual Enrollment Counselor a copy of your college schedule as soon as you register.

    Questions about dual enrollment?


    Important Dates from Augusta University Dual Enrollment


    Now that the semester is fully underway, we wanted to remind you of a few upcoming important dates related to Dual Enrollment at Augusta University.

    • October 10 – Midterm
    • October 13 and 14 – Fall Pause (No Classes/Administrative Office Open)
    • October 17 – Last day to  from a course without penalty (students who withdraw after this date will receive a WF, or Withdrawal Fail for the class)
    • October 19 – Registration Opens for Dual Enrollment students
    • November 23 and 24 – Thanksgiving Holiday (No Classes/Administrative Offices Closed)
    • December 7 – Classes End
    • December 8 – Reading Day (No Classes/Administrative Offices Open) 
    • December 12 to 15 – Final Exams 
    • December 19 – Grades Due (an official transcript will be sent to your high school the following week)
    • The  is a great resource for additional dates of importance.


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