CCHS Graduation Attire and Expectations
Black dress, white dress, or skirt/shirt combination (Must NOT hang below the hem of the robe)
Black, 2in. or flat shoes (amount of walking distances with timing restraints)
Cap, gown, tassel, stole
Dark hosiery (optional)
White dress shirt
Dark tie/bowtie (black or conservative color)
Dark pants/slacks (navy blue or black)
Dark dress shoes (navy blue or black)
Cap, gown, tassel, stole
Dangle/Oversized earrings, bracelets, necklaces, watches, sandals, stiletto heels, tennis shoes, cell phones, sunglasses, gold or decorative teeth
Special Notes:
Graduation caps are worn level on the head. The point should be in the center of the forehead. Decorations/embellishments on cap are NOT allowed for the graduation ceremony.
- Please do not bring keys, wallet, pocketbooks, cell phones, etc. with you to Honors Day, Baccalaureate, or graduation. Leave those items with a friend or relative.
- Gowns are to be neat and wrinkle-free. All gowns are ordered through Jostens. Be sure to try on the cap and gown as soon as possible to verify fit. If you have any problems with the cap and gown, contact Jostens at (706) 868-0515 to get those issues corrected. Josten's local office at 4800 Technology Drive, Martinez, GA will be OPEN ALL WEEK Monday.
- No attention-seeking behaviors while walking across the stage to receive diploma covers. Graduates must be on their best behavior at all times.
- Seniors do not need tickets for regular graduation this year.
- Each graduation will be live streamed through the 樱花动漫 website. (Idea: If you have a technical savvy relative, they can create a zoom party and share the live stream OR create a Facebook Live watch party)
- Students are not allowed to decorate their cap/gown. This is a ceremony of tradition and uniformity that you don’t want to miss! If you choose not to follow the expectations, you do still have the right to your diploma, which will be available the day after the scheduled event.
- Students are to only wear 樱花动漫/CCHS stoles and cords approved and distributed for the graduation ceremony. Students arriving in personalized or community stoles/cords will be collected before the ceremony and returned the next school day.
Please contact Ms. Wesby with any questions at Wesbych@BOE.Richmond.k12.ga.us.
Graduation Cord/Stole Requirements
Have you completed your Senior Exit Survey? If not, please do so as a part of the exit process which should be completed before coming to graduation practice.
See below.