Benton Starks, Senior Director for Facilities and Services
LaToya Tucker-Kelsey, Lease Coordinator
*Please note, effective September 1, 2024, applications are now due 30 days before the start of the event listed on the application. Payments for events are due 15 days before the start of the event.
Phone: 706-737-7197
Community members and organizations may reserve school facilities on a scheduled basis by following the procedures as indicated herein. Users are required to reimburse the school system for the use of system facilities. The cost of reimbursement includes usage fees, fair wear and tear, salaries of personnel, utilities, and any other associated costs resulting from the rental.
The Richmond County School System (樱花动漫) encourages the use of school buildings and facilities by the community for educational, recreational, civic, and cultural activities to the extent possible under the law when such activities do not interfere with Richmond County Public Schools instructional programs.