School Directory
  • Elementary
  • Elementary Pre-K - 5
  • Elementary Pre-K - 5
  • Elementary Pre-K-5

A. Dorothy Hains

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 796-4918
1820 Windsor Spring Road
Augusta, Ga 30906

Barton Chapel

Elementary Pre-K - 5
2329 Barton Chapel Road
Augusta, GA 30906


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 737-7255
3309 Milledgeville Road
Augusta, GA 30909

Belair Elementary School

3925 Harper Franklin Avenue
Augusta, GA 30909


Elementary Pre-K - 5
290 Church Street
Blythe, Ga 30805


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 737-7228
1440 Jackson Road
Augusta, Ga 30909

Deer Chase

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 772-6240
1780 Deer Chase Ln
Hephzibah, Ga 30815

Diamond Lakes

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 771-2881
4153 Windsor Spring Road
Hephzibah, Ga 30815


Elementary Pre-K - 5
1100 Eisenhower Drive
Augusta, Ga 30904

Glenn Hills

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 796-4942
2838 Glenn Hills Drive
Augusta, Ga 30906


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 796-4646
4040 Old Waynesboro Road
Augusta, Ga 30906


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 796-4969
2032 Tobacco Road
Augusta, Ga 30906


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 592-4561
2542 Highway 88
Hephzibah, Ga 30815


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 796-4760
3637 Hiers Blvd
Hephzibah, Ga 30815


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 737- 7266
800 15th Avenue
Augusta, GA 30901

Lake Forest Hills

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 737-7317
3140 Lake Forest Dr.
Augusta, Ga 30909


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 737-7262
510 Eve Street
Augusta, Ga 30904


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 592-3723
1165 Hephzibah McBean Road
Hephzibah, Ga 30815


Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 796-4915
3630 Goldfinch Dr.
Augusta, Ga 30906

Monte Sano

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 481-1813
2164 Richmond Ave.
Augusta, Ga 30904

Richmond Hill

Elementary Pre-K - 5
2160 Mura Drive
Augusta, GA 30906

Sue Reynolds

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 855-2540
3840 Wrightsboro Road
Augusta, Ga 30909

Tobacco Road

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 796-4658
2397 Tobacco Road
Augusta, Ga 30906

W.S. Hornsby

Elementary Pre-K-5
(706) 823-6928
310 Kentucky Ave.
Augusta, Ga 30901

Warren Road

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 868-4022
311 Warren Road
Augusta, Ga 30907

Wheeless Road

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 796-4985
2530 Wheeless Road
Augusta, Ga 30906

Wilkinson Gardens

Elementary Pre-K - 5
(706) 737-7219
1925 Kratha Drive
Augusta, Ga 30906
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