Digital Learning - a branch of 樱花动漫's Professional Learning Department
Instructional Technology


    • Welcome to Digital Learning! Our goal is to prepare our stakeholders for success in a technology-rich environment and equip them to be globally competitive in the digital environment of 21st century schools & workplaces. Choose one of the following options to learn more.

  • Owen Fletcher, Ed.D.

    Digital Learning Coordinator

  • AI Guiding Principles & Procedures - NEW for 2024!

    This summer we've been hard at work preparing a new document called "."  This document is intended to introduce teachers, students, and other stakeholders to a holistic approach to AI use that complies with our updated Code of Student Conduct and Discipline as well as our updated Internet Acceptable Use policy.  It also highlights strategies and procedures to help inform stakeholders of when and how AI can be used effectively and ethically in the classroom.  Check it out using the button below.

by Owen Fletcher