Career Awareness Syllabus
Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School
School 706-823-5580 ext. 1539 Cell 678-632-2185
Room 143 E Hall
The goal of this course is to promote essential skills and knowledge students need to develop a positive self-concept. This course will provide students with opportunities to identify interests, abilities, aptitudes, values, and personality traits as they relate to career planning, to develop a keen understanding of the value and benefit of work, and to differentiate between jobs and careers.
In this course, middle school students will experience a variety of activities that promote se, self-management skills, leadership, teamwork, career exploration, and educational planning related to students’ future educational and career plans. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to analyze personal characteristics and apply these characteristics in the career planning process.
This class uses a blended or hybrid format, combining classroom instruction with online learning. All assignments will be posted in Canvas. The class meets 2-3 times a week.
- Students will understand the personal nature of work and how it relates to them as individuals and as integral parts of society.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to build and maintain a positive self-concept and a positive self-esteem.
- Students will describe, develop, and evaluate how positive interpersonal skills affect their ability to work successfully.
- Students will illustrate effective personal management skills.
- Students will participate in career-related assessments.
- Students will utilize the planning process to assist in the achievement of personal, social, financial, educational, and career goals.
- Students will analyze the relationship between societal issues and career options and opportunities.
- Students must maintain a Canvas account for this class.
- Students may need access to internet connected computer outside of class.
- Students must arrive to class on time and have the needed materials (paper, pen, etc.).
- Students will follow all school and class rules.
- Students must have earbuds.
- Students are expected to use professional work behaviors.
The final grade for each student will be 90% of the semester's work and 10% of the final exam. The semester work grade will be determined by the following percentages:
60% Minor Grades (quizzes, labs, and other graded assignments)
40% Major Grades (unit tests, essays, research papers, project-based assignments, and other culminating assessments)
Grading Scale:
A = 100 – 90 B = 89 – 80 C = 79 - 75 D = 74-70 F = 69 and below
Student Absence Policy
Students have five days after they return to make up any missed assignments or tests. After the third day, any assignments not submitted will be marked as missing. You are responsible for getting any missed notes or assignments that were given during an absence. All assignments will be posted in Canvas.
Late work policy
Students are expected to submit all assignments by their set deadline. Late work will be accepted at 1% off each day it is not submitted. All late assignments should be submitted before the last 2-weeks of the term (day will be posted on my teacher web page).
Extra Credit Work
Because extra credit is built into some assignments, I usually don’t give additional extra credit work.
Methods of Assessment
Study skills assessment is participation based.
Tutoring/Remediation is available by appointment during lunch or after school.
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior
- 1st offense, teacher address the student
- Call Parent/Guardian and discuss the problem with student 2nd offense.
- Call Parent/Guardian and student will serve after school detention with the 3rd offense. (Students may also be taken out of lab/production and given an alternate assignment. Alternate assignments may involve using a textbook that remains in the classroom and /or the use of a computer based learning module.)
- Call Parent and refer the student to the office for further disciplinary action.
Cell Phone Policy
NO CELL PHONES. After one infraction, students will be required to place in an organization chart for every class period for the rest of the semester. Disregarding these guidelines will result in disciplinary action.
Plagiarism is not allowed. It is expected that all assignments will be submitted in the student’s own words. Plagiarized work will be given a zero.
The use of the Internet is restricted for the purpose of the course. No games or videos.
Water is the only beverage permitted in the classroom section of the room. Snacks are not permitted due to the technology in the classroom/lab.
Subject to change disclaimer
The policies and regulations herein, are necessarily subject to change without notice at any time at the discretion of the teacher and administration.