• SS


    Study Skills Syllabus

     Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School


    School 706-823-5580 ext. 1539              Cell 678-632-2185




    Study Skills is designed to provide students with skills and strategies to improve their academic success and strengthen areas of weaknesses. Students will also work independently on course assignments, and receive direct instruction as needed. Students will also complete assignments from other classes and study for upcoming tests.

    Students will be required to submit some type of log or agenda at the end of each class period.



    This class uses a blended or hybrid format, combining classroom instruction with online learning. All assignments will be posted in Canvas. The class meets 2-3 times a week.




    Time Management

    Study Strategies

    Content Reading

    Test-Taking Strategies

    Writing and Research



    • Students must maintain a Canvas account for this class.
    • Students must maintain an agenda/planner.
    • Students will participate in learning activities as directed by the teacher.
    • Students must arrive to class on time and have the needed materials (paper, pen, earbuds,).
    • Students are expected to use professional work behaviors.
    • Students will use polite and appropriate speech at all times.
    • Students will follow all school and class rules.


    Learning Outcomes

    Students will be able to:

    • Select and use appropriate study strategies when encountering new academic issues.
    • Select and demonstrate study and test taking strategies.
    • Transfer and apply appropriate study skills to improve their academic courses.
    • Understand and apply learning styles, goal setting and time management principles.
    • Transfer and apply outlining, summarizing, note taking, and following directions to improve academic performance.
    • Apply study skills to enhance life-long learning both within and without academic settings. 



    The final grade for each student will be 90% of the semester's work and 10% of the final exam. The semester work grade will be determined by the following percentages:

    60% Minor Grades (quizzes, labs, and other graded assignments)

    40% Major Grades (unit tests, essays, research papers, project-based assignments, and other culminating assessments)

    Grading Scale:

    A = 100 – 90    B = 89 – 80    C = 79 - 75    D = 74-70    F = 69 and below


    Methods of Assessment

    Methods will vary depending on the learning outcome(s) to be measured. A rubric will be provided for most assignments.


    Materials Required List





    Available by appointment during lunch or after school. Students needing more time to edit are also invited to make an appointment.



    Student Absence Policy

    Students have three days after they return to make up any missed assignments or tests. After the third day, any assignments not submitted will be marked as missing. Students are responsible for getting any missed notes or assignments that were given during an absence. All assignments will be posted on Canvas.



    Extra Credit Work

    Because extra credit is built into some assignments, I usually don’t give additional extra credit work.


    Cell Policy

    Cell phone use is prohibited in classrooms. Phones must remain off or silent and completely out of view.

    Academic Honesty Statement

    Honesty and integrity are integral components of the academic process.  Students are expected to be honest and ethical at all times in their pursuit of academic goals. Any student found in violation of the policy will ask to redo assignments.


    Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior

    1. 1st offense, teacher will address the student
    2. Call Parent/Guardian and discuss the problem with student's 2nd offense.
    3. Conference with parent/guardian and student.  



    Course Resources/Links available on Canvas



    The use of the Internet is restricted for the purpose of the course. No games or music.


    Water is the only beverage permitted in the classroom section of the room. Snacks are not permitted due to the technology in the classroom/lab.