Audio & Video Technology & Film Pathway
With the growth of the film industry in Georgia, the Audio & Video Technology & Film pathway prepares students to step into the many available job in the industry. The pathway offers students a real-world hands-on learning opportunity. The three courses of this pathway prepare students for employment or entry into a postsecondary education program in the audio and video technology career field. AVTF students complete the pathway with a portfolio and resume, ready for their next step.
In addition, our students are able to gain leadership proficiencies and to showcase their learned skills by competing and participating in SkillsUSA.
SkillsUSA Membership:
Participating in SkillsUSA is a great way for students to get additional hands-on experiences and earn extra credit. Through community server projects, fundraising, competitions and leadership building activities, SkillsUSA will help build your character, self-confidence, and communications skills. RCTCM’s chapter of SkillsUSA will empower you to become a leader of tomorrow. Full membership requires both in-class and out-of-class participation. SkillsUSA members who actively participate for three years will earn a cord for graduation. Dues are $35.00. See Dr. Mukenge for more information.