• Glossary

    Bully – A student or an adult who harasses, intimidates or bullies another person(s), where the behavior is one-sided. 

    Bullying – Bullying usually involves conduct where one or more students are victims of another person’s aggression that has not been caused by the victims and emotionally or physically harms the victims and disrupts the educational process.

    Bystander – Students and other people who witness bullying, and who do or say nothing to stop it or help the victims.

    Conflict – A disagreement, argument, fight or other action between people when they want different things and everyone is equally involved. Conflict may look similar to bullying, but is different.

    Cyberbullying – A form of bullying that involves the use of electronic equipment, such as
    computers and cell phones. An example could include sending hurtful or unwanted text
    messages to another person’s cell phone.

    Hazing – Activities that “newcomers” must do before they can belong to a group. Hazing is
    used to maintain a hierarchy or pecking order within a group. Hazing usually is based on a
    tradition, where a lower group member or person who wants to join the group agrees or goes along with the hazing activities, which may be physically, psychologically or socially harmful.