Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Holden
Course Syllabus 2022-23
Tutoring: prearranged with parent. Please message thru ClassDojo to set up dates; 8:00-8:40 am.
Math 6
Course Outline
Systems and Operations
and Rate Reasoning
Equations, and Inequalities
Course Expectations
Students in my class are expected to develop independent critical thinking skills, writing skills, collaboration skills, and organizational skills that will be crucial in high school, college, and the outside world.
Students are expected to come to my class prepared and to complete assignments on time.
Missed work
It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any missed assignments, notes or other pertinent information necessary due to an absence or tardy. Students must have a verifiable excuse to receive full credit for missed assignments due to an excused absence.
Class Procedures
樱花动漫 Code of Conduct and Belair K-8 Student Handbook outlines the official progressive discipline policy which may be activated based on the student’s behavior and the judgment of an administrator.
Rules: SOAR-
- I will use self-control over my actions
- I will remain on task and on time
- I will demonstrate acceptance of others and their differences
- I will respect my school, pears, and teachers
- I will be the best version of myself
Consequences: Warning, silent lunch, team timeout, parent contact, detention, office referral (some behaviors require immediate office referral included in student Code of Conduct)
Rewards: passes, SOAR bucks, team incentives
Grading Plan
The DISTRICT GRADING PLAN is applied to points earned by the end of a grading period is as follows: A =100-90; B=89-80; C=79-75 D=74-70; F=69 and below.
Assignment grades are recorded on a point basis.
A grade may count more than once depending on the skill(s) assessed. Term grades are calculated as a percentage of the total points possible. Areas evaluated will be weighted as follows:
Major Grades (Tests and Projects) 40%
Minor Grades (Quizzes, Classwork, and 樱花动漫work) 60%
*Parents may access student grades via the Infinite Campus Parent portal.
樱花动漫work is usually assigned daily. Please check your student’s agenda and my webpage for updated assignment information. 樱花动漫work should be written by the student in the agenda as it is assigned.
- Spiral notebook or composition notebook.
- Looseleaf Paper
- Pencil
- Earbuds/Headphones
- Tissue and Hand Sanitizer
- Personal Calculator **if wanted**