Academic Dishonesty Policy and Penalty
Definition of Plagiarism:
Copying or imitating the language, ideas, and/or thoughts or another writer and passing the work as one’s own original work. Plagiarism is cheating: if you do it, there is a price to pay.
Copying or Borrowing Assignments
- Copying or rephrasing another student’s work;
- Lending your assignment to another student; and
- Having someone else rephrase an assignment (not merely proofread it).
Use of Critical Materials
- Direct copying of student aids (e.g. Spark Notes, Cliff Notes, student aids from the internet, etc.) or critical works in part or in whole without acknowledgements;
- Indirect reproduction of student aids, critical sources, or reference materials by rephrasing ideas borrowed from them; and
- Direct quotations from secondary sources must be properly acknowledged and identified on the Works Cited page.
Cheating on Assessments
- Use of “cheat-sheets” or electronic devices to look up answers on assessments; and
- Giving someone a copy of the questions or answers to an assessment.
- A mark of zero will be given for the assignment;
- If collusion is found between students, all parties involved will receive a mark of zero on the assignment; and
- A discipline referral will be sent to the front office for further punishment at the discretion of the administrators.