Our Health class imparts a myraid of useful building skills practices and philosophies on how to live a healthy physical and emotional life. Students will engage in real-world exercises such as food purchasing and preparation, strategies for coping with mental health issues, tips for injury prevention, disaster preparedness and more.
Video List Coach Chap's Corner
Author: Coach Chapman聽聽聽Length:Video List This is us
Author: Chapman & LeBrane 聽聽聽Length:
Coach LeBrane & I believe that each student should be exposed to a healthful lifestyle that includes consistent exercise, proper diet, and healthy habits. A consistent exercise program is emphasized throughout the curriculum by providing daily exercises as part of the lesson. In each class, students are exposed to the flexibility, cardiovascular, agility, and strength components of exercise.

Degrees and Certifications:
This is me....
Hey my name is Coach Nichelle Chapman. I am a graduate of Thomas Walter Josey class of 1998. I was a member of the 1997-98 Lady Eagles Championship Basketball team coached by Lynn Brantley and Walter Lawson. I have a degree in Sports Management with a minor in Business from Georgia Southern University. I taught at the Alternative School for 10 years, where I was awarded Teacher of The Year for the 2017-18 school year. I am a Health & Physical Education teacher. I am a lover of books, stickers, movies, music, photography, sports and traveling to new and exciting places.
My main objective as a Health & Physical Education teacher, is to teach our students that good health and safety principles can lead to a lifetime of healthy practices, resulting in more productive, active, and successful lives.