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Welcome to Mr, Winsteads Class page, I am the Business and Technology teacher here at the prestigious T. W. Josey High School. I have been teaching for 15 years and this is my 5th year here Josey. I love to work with technology and teaching students how technology has progressed and future trends of the industry to come. I look forward for the new opportunities that this year presents and overcoming challenges that will present themselves.Name: Kelly WinsteadEmail: winstke@boe.richmond.k12.ga.usGrade(s): 9-12Subject(s): Intro. to Digital TechnolgyDigital TechnologyWeb DesignPosition(s): Business & Technology TeacherHead Basketball CoachHead Cross Country CoachEdgenuity CoordinatorAthletic DirectorFBLA Advisor
Hello students, I hope all of you are doing well and are being safe. This is a difficult time and all your assignements wiill assigned and submitted through the Schoology platform for my Intro. to Digital Tech Classes and my Digital Design Classes. Continue to check the platform daily and if you have any questions please message me through the message option in Schoology.
For Edgenuity Students please inform me if you need anything unlocked or checks during this time. I have given you my email before we were released and if you did not get ii here it is again. winstke@richmond.k12.ga.us
Please continue to be positive, and safe. We wil get though this together if we work together.
1st Period- Planning
2nd Period- Intro. to Digital Tech.
3rd Period- Into. to Digital Tech.
4th Period- Business Communication
5th Period- Intro. to Digital Tech.
6th Period- Intro. to Digital Tech.
7th Period- Intro. to Digital Tech.