AFJROTC Grading Policy

Reference: AFJROTC GA-064 Cadet Guide & SY Syllabus
AFJROTC Operations Supplement
AFJROTCI 36-2010
AFI 36-2903
Everything you do in AFJROTC is graded. This is designed for fairness and transparency and also to build character, punctuality and a sense of personal responsibility according to the mission of AFJROTC.
Grading Scale:
Grade Percentage
A - 90 to 100
B - 80 to 89
C - 75 to 79
D - 70-74
F - 0 to 69
Grading Categories:
Grading is divided and averaged across the following 4 categories:
25% - JROTC Uniform Wear
25% - Performance (to include Physical Training)
25% - Leadership, Participation, Citizenship, etc.
25% - Academics; to include all Tests/Quizzes
Grading Sub-Categories:
Activities are graded according to the sub-category they fall under. EX. A quiz or academic test is categorized under "Academics," Friday PT sessions are categorized under "Physical Training," etc. Points are deducted under the area where the cadet's performance was not up to par.
Weekly PT Sessions (100 pts)
-- 25% for wearing assigned PT Wear
-- 25% for being on time
-- 25% for participating in PT stretches
-- 25% for participating in PT activity
Weekly Uniform Wear (100 pts)
-- 50% for wearing the assigned uniform correctly to include footwear.
-- 50% for having facial / hair within the grooming standards.
NOTE: For repeat offenses --- 30 pts is deducted for the infraction
NOTE: IAW the 7 Sep 22 Policy Guidance, All Hair and Grooming deductions are -40 points.
Weekly Leadership / Citizenship / Participation (50 pts)
-- 10 pts every day when present and participating.
-- Pts deducted for tardies, misbehavior, non-compliance, etc.
-- ZERO pts given for unexcused absences. We cannot grade a ghost!
-- Doctors / Parents note or contact can excuse.
-- In shortened weeks, pts total adjusted accordingly (EX. 3 day week = 30 pts).
Weekly Academics (Pts total varies with the quizzes / tests)
-- Weekly discussion board (25 pts)
-- Quizzes, tests (Pts vary)