• 9th and 10th Grade students, it's never too early to research careers and other options.  Use the links below to do your research.  Know your direction!!!



    Career One Stop

    Brought to you by the Department of Labor - Explore careers, education, salaries, benefits, resumes and much more.


    Georgia Futures

    The MUST HAVE account for all GA students.  FREE account set up!  Explore careers through assessments. This site allows you to find your career interest, map out your high school program of study, find tips for studying and preparing for the ACT and SAT.  You can also research colleges and their specific requirements, apply to colleges, research scholarships, apply for financial aid, and check your HOPE status.  Create your profile to begin!


    Get Into Energy

    This website allows you to explore careers and research training opportunities in the field of energy.  Career assessments are available for students and parents.


    United States Military

    This site contains information about careers in the United States Armed Forces.