Mr. M. Williams
  • Greetings!!  This semester I will be your Speech/Forensics instructor and Academic Decathlon advisor, along with Ms. Hoover in the media center! Any students who need assistance or further clarification of tasks, readings, etc., I am always ready and available to assist!  Here, you will find the class syllabus as well as the information for using the Remind app; if grade recovery is necessary, it will be available based on Hephzibah High School's grade recovery policy.  Please be mindful that we are under COVID-19 protocols--- this is a F2F (face to face) class, so please wear your masks at all times and be sure to wash you hands frequently!

    God Bless!

    Academic Decathlon/Speech Forensics Syllabus 2024-2025

    Grade Recovery Contract 2024-2025