Course Description and Objectives
In Geometry: Concepts & Connections, instructional time should regularly incorporate the 8 Mathematical Practices, the Framework for Statistical Reasoning, and the Mathematical Modeling Framework through four big ideas of content: (1) numerical reasoning, (2) functional & graphical reasoning, (3) patterning and algebraic reasoning, and (4) geometric and spatial reasoning. This course is designed as the second course in a three-course series. Students will apply their algebraic and geometric reasoning skills to make sense of problems involving geometry, trigonometry, algebra, probability, and statistics. This course enhances students’ geometric, algebraic, graphical, and probabilistic reasoning skills. Students will apply their algebraic and geometric reasoning skills to make sense of problems involving geometry, trigonometry, algebra, probability, and statistics. Students will continue to enhance their analytical geometry and reasoning skills when analyzing and applying a deep understanding of polynomial expressions, proofs, constructions, rigid motions and transformations, similarity, congruence, circles, right triangle trigonometry, geometric measurement, and conditional probability. The identified Prerequisite for this course is Algebra: Concepts & Connections.