Mr. Pryor

Welcome to Mr. Pryor's Class website.

  • Hello, parents and students. I welcome you to the 2024-25 school year. My name is Curtis Pryor, and I will be your Math teacher. We will have an exciting school year as I teach and as we learn and grow together. I believe we will all accomplish a great deal this year as we put forth our best efforts to gain new knowledge and pursue growth. I am excited about taking this journey with you. 



    Comments (-1)
  • Daily Class Schedule

    樱花动漫 Room 

    1st period Planning 

    2nd period Honors Geometry

    3rd period Honors Geometry

    4th period Honors Advanced Algebra

    5th period Advanced Algebra

    6th period AP Pre-calculus 

    7th period Planning 

  • Email:

    Cell number:PARENTS ONLY-(706) 426-3033

    Mr. Pryor's Remind Codes

    Honors Geometry     Honors/Regular Advanced Algebra     AP Pre-calculus