• Image of Marcus Allen
    Mr. Marcus Allen
    Interim Deputy Superintendent

    Wallisa Lankford
    Executive Administrative Assistant

  • Greetings and welcome to the Richmond County School System!

    Our goal is to foster a high performing work culture and to improve student achievement through community engagement, communication, and operational effectiveness.  We believe we can accomplish our goal through community partnerships and outreach programs with our Richmond County stakeholders. 


    The Deputy Superintendent’s Office is available to assist you with Cluster 1 school concerns, communication, transportation, facilities, maintenance, and school safety matters. We are committed to providing timely services and information regarding school choice options and zone change exceptions.   


    We are very proud of our students and teachers as we continue to learn and grow, as a system, to enhance the overall learning environment.  We are also honored to serve a diverse community and we value the unique opportunity to collaborate with our families to establish a strong partnership.


    Marcus Allen, Interim Deputy Superintendent