Positive Behavior Plan
I am so thankful and excited about your child being in my class. I am looking forward to a wonderful year with them!I would like to share with you my expectations for behavior. They will a behavior sheet in their folder describing expectations. Students will have an opportunity to earn PBIS points/Beep Bucks, and receive positive awards.
It is my goal to encourage each student to do their very best with their school assignments. I want them to know that they can achieve positive behavior and character traits daily. We will have written homework, Monday through Thursday. I do encourage them to take the time reading everyday. They will also have assignments in Canvas. Thank you in advance for all your help and the opportunity to teach your child. As we work together as a team, I believe that not one child “will be left behind “ !
If you have any questions or concerns, you may reach me at my contact information on my Welcome Page!