Online Learning Sites
iReady Reading
Go through student's () to access iReady. Feel free to email or remind me if you need your child's password.
My On
Access through Launchpad.
I-Ready Math
Go through student's () to access iReady. *Feel free to email or remind me if you need your child's password.
First in Math
Access through student's launchpad
This is another website offering free membership for online learners.
It is a great website that will be differentiated for your child's needs.
I can track student progress while at home.
If you have trouble logging in, please contact me for assistance.
How to connect your students:
1. Open a browser (Chrome, Firefox or Safari) and go to
2. Click on I AM A STUDENT
3. Fill your school login:Richmond K-8:KFAXXY
How to Get Your Free Accounts:
Click on the link below for each program that you wish to provide to your child/children:
1. Click on the link below for each program.
2. Enter this School Code: SCHOOL1922 .
3. Create an account using your personal email address and a password of your choice.
Additional Websites
Kahn Academy
Printable Resources: