HHS Attendance Announcements

  • Rule 12 [State 30]
    Tardiness (Grades PreK - 12)
    Notice: A student is tardy when he or she enters the classroom or homeroom after the ringing of the tardy bell. The following disciplinary procedures will be followed each school year, and accumulated for each of two nine weeks periods comprising the first half and second half of each school year, for tardiness to school (homeroom and class).  The accumulation of unexcused tardies will warrant disciplinary action. The accumulation of excused tardies will not warrant disciplinary action; however, there are very few excuses for tardiness which will be accepted as a valid reason for tardiness. Leaving school for unauthorized purposes before the end of the instructional day will be counted as a tardy. Parents should not pick their students up before the end of the school day except where there is a legitimate emergency.

    5th Tardy:   One (1) hour of afterschool detention
    8th Tardy:   Two (2) hours of detention
    11th Tardy:  One (1) day of In-School Suspension and notify the parent/guardian
    16th Tardy: Three (3) days of In School Suspension
    21st Tardy:  Five (5) days of In School Suspension and parent conference   
    26th Tardy:  Three (3) days of Out of School Suspension 
    31st Tardy:  Five (5) days of Out of School Suspension and Written Notification of Intent to a Discipline Review
    36th Tardy:  Ten (10) days of Suspension pending a Discipline Review Hearing (Tribunal)

    NOTE: Before any student can receive a long-term suspension or be expelled from school, the Principal must follow procedural due process, by referring the student to the Tribunal panel for consideration of long-term suspension or expulsion.

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  • Student excuses mailbox

     When you are absent, please turn in all Parent and Legal Excuses to the "New" Mailbox located on the left wall of the Hephzibah High foyer.


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  • attendance logo 1. Be turn in Notes/Excuses AFTER you are absent.

    2. If you need to attend a Parent Meeting, the Social Worker conducts them on Tuesdays from 2:00 PM-4:00 PM.

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