
Phone: 706-737-7360
Degrees and Certifications:
TW Josey High School 2020-2021
I would like to introduce myself as your Spanish teacher at TW Josey High School
I got my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration at University of Puerto Rico. I earned my Master’s Degree in Business Administration at Turabo University of Puerto Rico. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I am very proud to teach your child my language and culture. Learning a language involves repetition, constant work, and memorization skills. I will request your support at home in order to achieve our goal this year.
Go Eagles!
Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me. I will try to respond to you as soon as possible.
For more information you may read the “Bienvenidos” student’s document as well as the syllabus that your child received the first day of class.