• Site Exclusions Forms

    Please use the following forms when requesting that a substitute be removed from your school:  

    Please submit this form via email to Emily Theodorson (theodem@richmond.k12.ga.us) and Terrence Vick (terv046@kellyservices.com)

     Substitute Teacher Site Exclusion Request Form


    Vacancy Links

    Please use the following links to request vacancies and modifications:

    Modify Vacancy Request


    Create Vacancy Request


    Temporary Access Forms

    Please use the following forms for long-term and 3rd party subs or employees.

    Temp Access Form


    Substitute Field Trip Form

    Please use the following form to request permission for a Kelly substitute to attend a field trip.


    Kelly Substitute Field Trip form


    Kelly Services processes for their employees' injury claims


    Kelly Substitutes Emergency Response Steps


    Kelly Substitutes Life Threatening Procedure


    Exempt and Non-Exempt Employee's