Dual Enrollment Funding Application
To apply for Georgia’s Dual Enrollment funding program, select the application based on the year you plan to participate:
- school year (includes Summer term 2020, Fall term 2020, Winter Term 2021 and Spring term 2021)
Click to view a tutorial video of the application process.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Accuplacer testing is being done remotely. Please email me for more instructions when you are ready to test.
Spring 2021 Important Augusta Tech Dates
- January 11, 2021: Spring Term Begins
- January 11-13, 2021: Spring Drop/Add Period
- January 18, 2021: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Observed (College Closed)
- April 5 - 9, 2021: Spring Break/Student Holiday
- April 19, 2021: Last Day to Withdraw with a grade of 'W'
- May 3, 2021: Spring Term Ends
- May 4 - 6, 2021: Final Exams
Summer 2021
- May 17, 2021: Summer Term Begins
- May 17-19, 2021: Summer Drop/Add
- May 31, 2021: Memorial Day (COLLEGE CLOSED)
- July 5, 2021: Independence Day Observed (COLLEGE CLOSED)
- July 6-9, 2021: Summer Term 2021 Break (Student Holiday)
- July 19, 2021: Last Day to Withdraw with a grade of "W"
- August 2, 2021: Summer Term Ends
- August 3-5, 2021: Final Exams
**Students registering for Dual Enrollment classes, RCTCM's deadline is May 7, 2021.
Dual Enrollment Returning Students
Spring/Summer 2021 Registration and Schedule Changes
Augusta Campus**Prior to registering for next semester, returning dual enrolled students must submit their completed GADOE Dual Enrollment Student Participation Agreement Form from their high school counselor with all required signatures to a High School Coordinator or a Campus Coordinator. In addition, students can bring their completed form to a Drop In Registration and receive assistance to register for classes.**
Fall 2020 New Dual Enrollment Students Orientation/Registration
All new Dual Enrollment students who meet our admission requirements will receive an acceptance letter with detailed instructions about registering for one of the required Orientation/Registration Sessions for NEW dual enrolled students on our main campus or one of our branch campuses. Please read the information carefully and bring all required documentation to your session. Your legal parent/guardian must accompany you at the Orientation/Registration session.
Augusta Campus - Late Registration
If you register on one of the following late registration dates you may receive your books or other course materials needed after the first week of the semester.Date TBA Time TBA Campus TBA