• Greetings,
    The Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School's (RCTCM) Counseling Department consists of individuals who are excited about working with students, parents, and RCTCM staff! Our department seeks to support students throughout their educational years by promoting safety, personal wellness, and providing a myriad of services to assist students in living happy, efficient, and productive lives.
    Essentially, we are here to promote/sustain an environment of perpetual learning, which occurs through collaboration between students, parents, teachers, and community partners. Further, through individual, small group, and classroom guidance, we will continue our committment to maintain an atmosphere of caring by offering academic, personal, social, emotional and career counseling to support the success of all students. Our department can be reached at 706-823-5580, ext. 1532. 
    Staff: Tiffany Cox, School Counselor 
              Betty Lee, Guidance/Attendance Secretary 
              Mary Silarek, Registrar