Go Panthers!!!

  •                                                                                                                    Wednesday, March 12, 2025


    Greetings, Panthers! I am quite enthusiastic about the start of the 2022-23 school year, and look forward to educating my students in the area of social studies.Teaching is such a big part of who I am and I always try to do it with grace, dignity, and thoroughness. My favorite part of being an educator is getting to know the young minds in my classroom, and assisting in their learning. I will use a wide range of strategies and techniques to help my students fully understand the different cultures we'll be studying in grade seven social studies. Together I plan on all of us having a great school year, and I am here to help in any way possible as we travel through the school year with all the ups and downs that come along with it.


    Parents, please look to this site for information on what topics are being covered and what work has been assigned to your child. My goal is to keep my site updated regularly to help you know what is happening in social studies for your child.


    Students join Remind as it is a requirement for my class. (Parents are encouraged to join as well.)


    • Remind Code; Grade 7 SS: @TracySS7



Supply List for Social Studies

  • SS - Banner


    • 1 3-ring loose leaf binder - one or two inches

    • 12 pre-tabbed page dividers

    • Several packs of lined loose leaf paper

    • Packs of index cards

    • Pens - red and black or blue

    • Highlighters

     "We are not makers of history.
    We are made of history.
     -Martin Luther King Jr. 

Contact Information

  • Room Number: 633

    Subject: Social Studies Grade 7
    Remind Code: @TracySS7
    Either download the Remind App and enter the code OR send a text message to 81010 with the message @TracySS7.

    Tutoring: 8:30am - 9:00am before school

    Class Motto: Make an effort, not an excuse.

    School Motto: Panther Rising 212°.

     "The most certain way to succeed is to just try one more time."
    -Thomas Edison  


    Learning today ...Leading tomorrow 


    Building a world-class school system through education, collaboration, and innovation.



    The Richmond County School System (樱花动漫) will create a world-class, globally competitive school system where all students will graduate and are college/career ready.



    • Every person has a right to a quality education.
    • Education is the shared responsibility of the individual, home, school, and community.
    • Every person can learn.
    • Respect and acceptance are essential for learning and personal development.
    • A safe, healthy, and orderly environment is essential to learning.
    • Communication is the key to understanding among people.