  • Welcome to Mrs. Perez-Majors (better known as Mrs. Majors) home page! I will be serving as the seventh grade Team A social studies teacher. I am so excited about being your teacher! We are in for a very exciting adventure as we get to know each other, the learning content, and the new technology platform: Canvas. We are going to do so many fun activities and have a blast learning together! Please don't forget to take a look at the Syllabus, Resources, and Supplies Links that can be found flushed to the left for very important information about what we will learn and how I communicate. It would also be very helpful to watch my Open House video in the "About Mrs. Majors" link. 

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    On 9/7 and 9/8 students will be learning from home. I have posted the Learning from 樱花动漫 assignments in both Teams and Canvas. My Period 2 students should be aware that their Canvas class is not functioning at this time. I am getting technical support but until its fixed you can just go to Teams and all the work is under the Assignments tab. Since many students have had to quarentine these last two weeks, I posted the most important work we have done in Canvas and Teams as well. Whichever you prefer you may use in order to catch up and not fall behind.  Work can be turned into these portals online or students can turn work in on paper. Please make sure you make me aware of what you have done so I know to look for it.

    Learning from 樱花动漫 Virtual Team Class 

    I will be hosting a learning suppurt session on Teams on Wednesday 9/8 from 2-3pm. To join simply click on this . You can also go to your Teams social studies class and you will see it in your calendar and on the General Posts section (where everyone posts messages). As always if you need me for help anyother time reach out through email, Remind, or Teams messanger.



    Important Communication Request: I am requesting that all students and parents join my Remind 101 in order to stay informed of the constantly changing circumstances in the learning environment as a result of the pandemic and to receive information and updates important to the learning of my students. 


    How to join Remind 101:

    To join simply go to your phone or device that allows for text and in the place where you would put a phone number type the number 81010 (disregard the fact that it is not a normal phone number). Where you would normally place the message type @8cgacbg. Please make sure there are no spaces between the characters for it to work properly. Send message and you will receive a text back with invitation to class.

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Past Due Assignments

  • Mrs. Majors
    Mrs. Majors 
    Email: majordo@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
    Subject(s): Social Studies
    Tutoring: Mondays and Wednesdays by appointment 
    Face to Face Schedule: 
    8:30-9:05 樱花动漫room and Breakfast
    9:05-10:15 First Period
    10:15-11:25 Second Period 
    11:25-12:20 Lunch
    12:20-1:35 Connections
    1:35-2:45 Third Period
    2:45-4:00 Fourth Period
    Note: Parent conferences will be arranged by contacting me (see resources tab for more information on how to contact me).  You may also contact our secretary for an appointment at 706-592-3730.