• What is IB MYP?

    The International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) is for students aged 11-16. Teaching and learning in the MYP helps students analyze complex issues and develop habits of mind they need to participate in our increasingly interconnected world.


    The MYP is a framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. The MYP aims to help students develop their personal understanding, their emerging sense of self and responsibility in their community.


    • MYP Year 1 is 6th grade
    • MYP Year 2 is 7th grade
    • MYP Year 3 is 8th grade


    The MYP focuses on supporting student academic and personal growth through the following components:

    The MYP curriculum framework comprises eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents.

    The subject groups include:

    • Sciences
    • Mathematics
    • Language and Literature (English Language Arts)
    • Individuals and societies (Social Studies)
    • Arts (Visual and Auditory-Music)
    • Language Acquisition (Spanish/Foreign language)
    • Physical and Health Education
    • Design


    Teaching and learning in context

    Students learn best when their learning experiences have context and are connected to their lives and their experience of the world. Using global contexts, MYP students develop an understanding of their common humanity through appropriate explorations of:

    • identities and relationships
    • personal and cultural expression
    • orientations in space and time
    • scientific and technical innovation
    • fairness and development
    • globalization and sustainability


    Areas of Interaction tie learning to both the real world and other subject areas.  These include:

    • Health and Social Education
    • Community and Service
    • Environments
    • Approaches to Learning
    • Human Ingenuity


    Conceptual understanding

    Concepts are big ideas that have relevance within specific disciplines and across subject areas.  MYP students use concepts as a vehicle to inquire into issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance and examine knowledge (information) holistically.


    Approaches to learning (ATL skills)

    Developing and applying the approaches to learning skills help students learn how to learn.

    • collaboration skills
    • critical and creative thinking skills
    • research skills
    • communication skills
    • self-management skills


    Service Learning

    Service as action, through community service, is an integral part of the MYP. Students take action when they apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. IB learners strive to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.


    Service projects enable students to engage in practical explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection.


    *MYP Year 3 students are required to engage in a community project of their choice that is student-centered, age-appropriate to collaborate and pursue service learning.