• Parents,

    Last day of practice will be Friday.  The meet is this Saturday, April 20th.  Please stay with your child throughout their event.  Arrive at Cross Creek High School stadium at 8:30 am to prevent anyone from missing their event. It is our plan to sit together in a section on the bleachers.   Pay close attention to events numbered 43-51, if your child qualified in their previous event, they will have to run again at that time for the finals. 

    **To qualify for the finals, your child must have the best time and/or best distance out of all of the heats. 

    Ex) 200m event, there may be 5 races, just because your child placed 2nd in their race they may have placed 9th overall in the 200m event, which means they would not qualify for 200m FINALS.


    For the elementary level, there is only one meet each year provided by The Augusta Recreation and Parks Department. 

    From Augusta Recreation and Parks Department- Administrative Office- 706-796-5025

    • NO jewelry is allowed, this includes hair beads


    There will be items sold at concessions.  Also, participants may bring a packed lunch/snacks, plenty of water and Gatorade/Powerade.


    Thanks again for your support and feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns.

    Coach Phillips




    PLEASE DO NOT BUY the below items. 

    Wear BLUE or WHITE shirt with BLACK or GRAY shorts/pants and shoes from HOME



    Comfortable clothing

    Unsupported image type.

    Comfortable shoes