The physical education (P.E.) program at Diamond Lakes Elementary School involves students in grades K-5
It is important that your child wear the proper shoes for Physical Education class (tennis shoes, running shoes, sneakers) in order to participate safely in our class activities and to be successful with the activities.
(RCBOE Student Conduct manual).
The following shoes are not appropriate for Physical Education class (dress shoes, boots, sandals, etc.). These shoes are allowed to be worn to school but are not appropriate for Physical Education class.
Please work with your child to wear or bring (in their backpacks) the proper athletic shoes for Physical Education class to ensure their safety and active participation within our Physical Education class.
Students are expected to:
Participate to the fullest of their abilities at all times.
Treat teachers and classmates with respect at all times.
Participate in a safe manner.
Handle equipment in an appropriate manner and report all broken or damaged equipment to an instructor.
If your child, for any medical reason, cannot participate in Physical Education please send a note with them stating their first and last name, their classroom teacher’s name and the date. When the medical condition requires non-participation for more than three PE days (one week) please obtain a note from the medical provider stating when the student can return to Physical Education class. Students not participating in regular activity will be given written work to make up for the daily grade or will not receive a participation grade for that day.
For more information, such as the grading guidelines, discipline procedures and positive reinforcement plan and/or if you have any questions please contact me.
Looking forward to an active and fun year at DLE
Coach T. Phillips
Diamond Lakes Elementary School
2019-2020 Teacher of the Year