• Second Grade Syllabus

    Course Content:

    ELA/Reading- Students will receive instruction in reading, writing, and listening and speaking.

    Math- Students will receive instruction in addition, subtraction, problem solving, geometry, measurement, and gathering and interpreting data.

    Science- Students will gather information and interpret data and make models to focus on "doing" science related to Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science.

    Social Studies- Students will receive instruction in geography, government, economics, and Georgia history.

    Course Objectives:


    • Read and comprehend texts from a variety of genres
    • Read and comprehend informational texts from other content areas as well as Language Arts
    • Use, independently, a variety of metacognitive strategies, such as self-questioning techniques to deepen and expand their understanding of texts
    • Use writing as a tool for learning
    • Articulate how author's use a variety of techniques and crafts in their writing and show evidence of the author's craft in their own writing
    • Communicate effectively with different audiences
    • Participate in cooperative learning environments


    • Develop their understanding and skills with addition and subtraction of 1-, 2-, and 3-digit numbers
    • Understand the concepts of measurement and standard and non-standard units of measurement
    • Understand and expand on characteristics of previously studied geometric figures
    • Solve problems by collecting, organizing, displaying, and interpreting data


    • Observe, construct, and measure objects using ordinary hand tools
    • Construct explanantions and designing solutions
    • Planning and carrying out investigations
    • Asking questions and defining problems
    • Developing and using models
    • Analyze and interpret data

    Social Studies-

    • Introduction to Georgia's history by studying important historical figures
    • Describe how features define Georgia's surface
    • Define the concept of government and the need for rules and laws
    • Identify the President, Governor, and Mayor as well as where they work
    • Locate and compare 5 regions and 3 major rivers of Georgia
    • Identify ways in which goods and services are allocated

    Instructional Materials:

    ELA/Reading- MyView and Fundations

    Math- i-Ready Math

    Science- Georgia Science, HMH

    Social Studies- Studies Weekly

    Software- i-Ready Math and Reading, Seesaw, Canvas

    Grade Communication:

    Signed Papers will be sent home in an orange folder every Tuesday and must be returned, signed, no later than the following Friday


    Students will be graded using a standards based grading system. Grading will represent student progress towards meeting the academic standards using the rating scale below:

    • Level 4- (Distinguished Learner) Makes applications and inference beyond expectations
    • Level 3- (Proficient Learner) Meets standards consistently and independently
    • Level 2- (Developing Learner) Progressing towards mastery of standards
    • Level 1- (Beginning Learner) Limited progress toward mastery of standards
    • ND- (Not Demonstrated) Not yet been demonstrated
    • NA- (Not Applicable) Not applicable at this time