Stoddard's Savvy Scholars
Welcome to 3nd Grade!
Welcome to Stoddards’ Savvy Scholars
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Jamestown Elementary. My name is Mrs. Stoddard. I am looking forward to many exciting and challenging academic adventures and experiences with your child. I would like to take a moment to give you an overview of what to expect this year. Please visit canvas, an app in your child's launchpad.
I will be teaching all of the students in all subject areas: Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies. As a team, we will address the skills/standards that they will need to be successful in third grade. We have adopted a new reading curriculum myview Savvas. Below is what the app looks like in your child's launchpad.
We are continuing to build on our Fundations ( phonics Level 3). I will be sending home family letters at the beginning of each unit, explaining what we will be learning during that particular unit. We are also learning cursive this year. We have so many new and exciting opportunities to learn and grow this year! You will have many opportunities to assist your child with reinforcing skills that are being taught in the classroom. There are several assessments that we will be using to ensure that these skills/standards are being mastered. These assessments include a program called I Ready (which will test the mastery level of both reading and math).
Parent Participation
We feel that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. You may contact me either via phone, email, ClassDojo or written notes. My contact information can be found below. There will also be opportunities for parents to assist with classroom activities and field trips. Parents who would like to volunteer must receive Parent Volunteer training. This training is a requirement from the Board of Education. As soon as I am made aware of the training dates, I will pass them along to you.
Few Other Reminders
- Please discuss homework and daily conduct with your child each night. Your child’s conduct can be viewed on Class Dojo.
- Agendas will be used daily and will detail nighly homework to reinforce what standards your child is learning. Please check agendas daily. Students WILL have homework Monday-Thursday.
- Remember to send a light sweater or jacket (name on the label) for classroom use.
- If your child’s mode of transportation changes for any reason, please send a handwritten note.
- If your contact information changes, please send a note or contact me via email (listed below) as soon as possible. You never know when an emergency may arise.
- If you choose to celebrate your child’s birthday with classmates, this can be arranged during your child’s lunch time.
- On occasion, it will be necessary for your child to bring money to school. Always send money in a sealed envelope or zip lock bag that is labeled with your child’s full name, amount of money, and purpose for the money.
- Please put your childs name on all supplies. I will allow them to keep their extra supplies in cabinets in bins marked with their name on it. Your student will be the ONLY one using their supplies!
I look forward to working with your child and having your support this school year. If you need to contact me for any reason, you may leave a message at the school (706)796-4760 or email me at Stoddsh@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Stoddard
Shannon StoddardGrade(s):3rdSubject(s):ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies