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CTSO Week August 22 - 26

  • Purpose:

    To raise awareness of Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) objectives and benefits available at Cyber Academy and RCTCM. We also want to recruit new members into each organization. Please click for more information about CTSO.


    CTSO 8/19/22 - 8/26/22

    Aug. 19 

    Parent CTSO Blast     

    Send CTSO letter to parents. It will inform and invite them to an upcoming virtual meeting. 

    Aug. 22-26 

    In-class CTSO 


    CTAE teachers will explain the elements of the CTSO standard for at least 30 minutes per CTAE class for the week. 

    Aug. 24 & 25 

    Display Table @ Lunch  

    CTSOs will set up displays on Wednesday & Thursday to recruit students who may not be in your class.  

    Aug. 24  

    Parent CTSO Info Virtual Meeting  

    Presentation for parents about CTSO @ 5pm.  

    Aug. 26.  

    CTSO Student Social  

    During teachers' planning, each CTSO will host a 15–20-minute social for interested or invited students.