COURSE TITLE: Cybersecurity Study Skills I/II (11.48200)
TEACHER: Ms. Datinya Caviness ROOM# 248
AVAILABILITY: Appointments only (Parent / Student)
EMAIL: cavinda@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
PATHWAY: Information Technology Career Cluster
Cybersecurity Study Skills is part two of the Advance Cybersecurity Course, which is the third course in the Cybersecurity career pathway in the Information Technology Career Cluster. Students enrolled in this course should have successfully completed Introduction to Digital Technology, Introduction to Cybersecurity and Advance Cybersecurity. This course is designed to prepare students for the Industry Exam Security+.
Advanced Cybersecurity (Study Skills I/II) is designed to provide students with the advanced concepts and terminology of cybersecurity. The course explores the field of cybersecurity with updated content including new innovations in technology and methodologies. It builds on existing concepts introduced in Introduction to Cybersecurity and expands into malware threats, cryptography, organizational security, and wireless technologies.
Various forms of technologies will be used to expose students to resources, software, and applications of cybersecurity. Professional communication skills will be used to expose students to resources, software, and applications of cybersecurity. Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical, and legal issues, and the impact of effective presentation skills are enhanced in this course to prepare students to be college and career ready. Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required by business and industry. Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral components of the employability skills standard for this course.
IT-ACS-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.
IT-ACS-2 Explore concepts of cybersecurity related to legal and ethical decisions.
IT-ACS-3 Investigate concepts of malware threats
IT-ACS-4 Demonstrate how to analyze and react to various threats and vulnerabilities.
IT-ACS-5 Apply advanced principles of cryptology.
IT-ACS-6 Apply advanced communications and wireless security techniques.
IT-ACS-7 Implement organizational security techniques
IT-ACS-8 Implement contingency planning (incident response and disaster recovery) techniques.
IT-ACS-9 Perform security analysis, as well as testing and evaluation.
IT-ACS-10 Implement risk management techniques for personal computer and network systems.
IT-ACS-11 Demonstrate how to work with advanced methods of cybersecurity.
IT-ACS-12 Explore how related student organizations are integral parts of career and technology education courses through leadership development, school and community service projects, entrepreneurship development, and competitive events.
Required exam SY0-601
Number of questions Maximum of 90
Types of questions Multiple-choice and performance-based
Length of test 90 minutes
Recommended experience
- Hands-on technical information security experience
- Broad knowledge of security concepts
Passing score 750 (on a scale of 100–900)
The table below lists the domains measured by this examination
and the extent to which they are represented:
1.0 Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities: 24%
2.0 Architecture and Design: 21%
3.0 Implementation: 25%
4.0 Operations and Incident Response: 16%
5.0 Governance, Risk, and Compliance: 14%
Total 100%
Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required by business and industry.
Wide Rule Spiral Notebook, Pen or Pencil, & 16GB USB Drive
Assessment: The grading scale used will cover nine weeks for each grading quarter. All grades will be updated using the online grading system, Infinite Campus. In-class grade updates will be provided at the instructor’s discretion. Students are responsible to keep track of grades and assignments. The online tool used in this course will be Canvas, which will track the student’s assignments and classwork.
Class labs Formative 60% A: 90 and above
Discussion Questions Assignments B: 80-89
Quizzes Daily Class Activities C: 74-79
Unit Tests Class Labs, Quizzes D: 70-73
Final Exam Summative 40% F: 69- and below
The majority of our material is generated on the computer. Students will take computerized exams, quizzes and submit projects online for a formative and/or summative evaluation. All assignments given can identified online using Canvas. Parents may request their own (Canvas) access code to review students’ progress and follow daily assignments.
Grades: Skilled-Based Assessment, Discussion Questions, and projects will be online; however, tests will be completed in class or at school. Students will earn points for the following:
- Classwork/樱花动漫work 30%
- Quizzes/Labs 30%
- Tests/Projects 40%
Classwork: All classwork will be assigned periodically. Students will have adequate time to complete all assignments during the lab. Labs will be assigned as a group and/or individual. The Labs will have deadlines and posted online for the parents to review with their children. We highly encourage the students to stay on task during lab and class to offset any incomplete assignments.
Coursework Requirements:
All submitted assignments, must have a document header included. It is imperative that students identify their work. The structure of an approved document header is as noted:First Name, Last Name (Nicknames are not allowed)
Course Title (this information can be found on the first page of this syllabus)
Submission Date
Assignment Title
Each unit will have hands-on labs to supplement the students’ learning. Chapter Lab Assignments will be assigned with each chapter. All assignments must be submitted with a document header according to the assignment instructions. Students are responsible for submitting all assignments accordingly and by the due date. Assignments count towards a student’s skills and participation grade. Most class labs are a combination of hands-on and written exercises. It is essential that your work be well written, grammatically correct, and free of typographical errors and misspellings.
Chapter Tests
There will be weekly test given to assess student learning of the Security+ 601. These tests will be taken in class. Students will submit these weekly tests according to the teacher's instructions. The test will be every Friday for 90mins. All tests must be taken during this scheduled time.
A 30 question quiz will be given daily. This will assess students’ technical knowledge to help prepare them for the 601 Exam.
Discussion Questions:
There will be weekly discussion question postings for each domain covered on Security+ 601. Students will be given a topic related to the domain covered during the week. Students are to complete the Discussion Questions by the due date.
Final Exam:
Students will be given a comprehensive exam at the end of the semester. The exam will cover Security + 601. The final exam is a closed book/ note exam. The final exam will be in class. If the student is to miss the final examinations, the student must inform the teacher prior to the exam date/time and supply an official excuse.
- Complete Daily classwork
- Participate class discussions
- Participate as a team player
- Problem solve and accept challenges
- Must utilize the internet
It is expected that students will conduct themselves with integrity. If you cheat or assist others in cheating, you violate a trust. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- copy files or lend your storage device to another student
- copy answers on exams or glance at nearby exams
- turn in assignments that have been used in other classes
If you cheat, some or all the following actions will be taken:
- You will receive a lower point score, or no points, for that particular assignment or exam.
Best Practices for Success:
- Pay attention in class – assignments are explained in detail and usually with an example.
- Review assignments with others before submitting to ensure clarity
- If you do not have access to technology at home please notify the teacher, so it is logged for future homework assignments.
- Be resourceful and take initiative.
- Try to stay organized – being on time and prepared is a great start.
Cell Phone Policy:
- Please review the RCBOE Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) policy.
- Electronic devices must be registered with the media center.
- Only use your devices for classroom activities, using your cell phone without permission is in violation of this policy.
- Headphone use is only allowed at the teacher’s discretion.
Food and Drink Policy: Students may not eat or drink near computers.
Expectations: Be prepared; Be on time; Be respectful all the time
- Students will enter the classroom with instructor at the door. Students will review and know where the fire drills and emergency procedures are posted (on exit door).
- The teacher will take roll during the induction activity/exercise to allow students a chance to prepare for the lesson. Daily learning objectives will be posted on the promethean board upon entry into the classroom.
- Students will be able to take a seat where they choose; however, this will be their seat throughout the year unless teacher instructs them to move. Once seated, students will review classroom instructions written on the promethean board, gather the needed material as required.
- Students are highly encouraged to go to the restroom before class begins. Once class starts, students are not permitted to leave during the first and last 15 minutes of class (School policy) lecture unless in an emergency.
Disciplinary Consequences:
1st Offense – Student will receive a verbal warning from the instructor of an unnecessary occurrence/incident, act or classroom disruption. All incidents will be recorded in the student’s record in Infinite Campus and the parent / guardian will be contacted.
2nd Offense – Student will be reminded of the 1st offense and the parent / guardian will be contacted to request a parent/teacher conference.
3rd Offense – Teacher, student and parent will have a conference with the administration to discuss further actions.
Fire Safety Rules: All rules are posted in the front of the classroom by the door. In case of a fire drill students will move out of the classroom as a group to a predesignated location. No student is allowed to leave the premises once outside. All students will wait for the teacher to take a headcount outside before returning back to the classroom. In case of a substitute, please take the class roster during the drill.
Materials/Supplies: Each student is required to bring at the minimum a 16GB Flash drive, notebook, and paper, with pen/pencil.
- Be prepared, review posted class materials on Promethean board.
- Students are required to bring a daily journal/notebook and pencil/pen to class.
- Students’ study guides are online and available daily. Each student has the opportunity to review the study guides before class.
- Students are required to bring a flash drive to save all classwork.
Resources: Canvas Learning Management System, Total Tester, and uCertify
Absent: You must complete all assignments. Expect to take exams as soon as you return to class (prepare during absence). All assignments are online, and the students will have access to classwork via the Internet. If you know you are going to be absent and you do not have a computer at home, please notify the teacher.
Unexcused absences on the due dates of the tests, quizzes, Labs, presentations, and so forth will result in a zero. If you have an excused absence, please provide the teacher with documentation on the first day returning to school.
Tardiness: The student must have a tardy pass to enter the classroom.
Messages: The student has the responsibility to ensure he or she reads all messages and documents posted or distributed. We will be using minimum paper for this class and most of our communications will be electronic “online”.
*Note this syllabus is subject to change