7th Grade World Studies Syllabus 2021-22 School Year Room # 509

Adventure Awaits


    Course Description:


    Hello and welcome to seventh-grade Social Studies. Seventh grade is the second year of a two-year World Area Studies course. Seventh grade is the study of Africa and Asia. The goal of this two-year course is to acquaint you with the world in which you live. The geography domain includes both physical and human geography. The intent of the geography domain is for students to begin to grasp the importance geography plays in their everyday lives. The government/civics domain focuses on selected types of government found in the various areas to help students begin to understand the variety of governments in the world. The economics domain builds on the K-5 economics; however, the focus shifts from the United States to how other countries answer the basic questions of economics. The history domain focuses primarily on significant events in each region from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This subject is not a tested subject of the Georgia Milestones Testing Program; however, there will be a final test/project. There are no exemptions for the final. 


    Instructional Material:


    The textbook will NOT be online, it must be checked out by your student early in the year. I will make additional material available to them throughout the course. Please see my canvas page for more information. 


    Assignments MUST be turned in on standard loose-leaf paper; or, in the digital format required by the teacher for that assignment. They cannot be torn from a spiral notebook. Each student will also need headphones that connect to a computer, paper, pencils, colored pencils and pens. 

    Donations of the following items are greatly appreciated: boxes of facial tissue, whiteboard markers, and colored copy paper. 


    Units of Study:


    Unit 1: Connecting Themes

    Unit 2: Europe: Southwest Asia (Middle East) Today

    Unit 3: Impact of the Environment and Economy on Southwest
    Asia (Middle East) 

    Unit 4: Origins of Modern Southwest Asia (Middle East) 

    Unit 5: Southern and Eastern Asia Today

    Unit 6: Impact of the Environment and Economy on Southern
    and Eastern Asia

    Unit 7: Historical Background of Southern and Eastern Asia

    Unit 8: Africa Today

    Unit 9: Impact of the Environment and Economy on Africa

    Unit 10: Connecting Africa’s Past with Africa’s Present

    Unit 11: Your Financial Future


    Major Course Assignments:

    Typically, there will be one test for each domain in each unit. There will be a culminating project for each Unit of study.  A complete description of each project will be sent home with the student or made available online for the parent to see at the time it is assigned. Some extra supplies may be needed to present projects. Professional or culturally appropriate attire is required for each Unit presentations. A notice will be sent out via remind at least one week in advance of presentation.

    There will also be a series of class discussions and debates in which every student must participate in. At the end of each discussion or debate the students will complete a write-up detailing what they learned. 


    Course Assessment Plan:


    Final grades will be determined by the cumulative semester average using the following criteria:

     • Minor Grades = 60% (Examples include quizzes, classwork, and other graded assignments to assess certain standards in a unit of study. 

     • Major Grades = 40% Examples include unit tests, essays, research papers, project-based assignments, and other culminating assessments to measure mastery of standards that comprise a unit of study. 

    • Content Mastery Assessments These assessments will be given quarterly in all core content areas.



    Missing/ Late Work

    Late work is defined as assignments that are submitted after the specified deadline. This does not apply to work submitted late due to absence from school. Students are expected to submit assignments on time.

    Multiple incidents of late work may result in teacher-student-parent conferences to examine and correct the student’s work habits through an academic contract.

    Scores may be reduced by 5% per school day for a 25% maximum reduction (five school days).

    Late work submitted after the fifth school day will only be accepted at the teacher’s discretion.


    Grade Recovery:


    Students who score below 80 will have an opportunity to redo some tests as determined by the teacher. The student must complete any material assigned to relearn the information. The original grade will remain in Infinite Campus until the assigned material and retake is complete. 


    At A.R. Johnson, we continuously reflect and analyze our progress to fulfill both A.R. Johnson and Richmond County’s missions and visions to ensure our students’ success.

    It is the student’s responsibility to get all missed assignments from the teacher when he or she is absent. Our assignments for the week are posted at the beginning of the week. You may reference the student’s handbook for further explanations about absences and make-up work.



    Classroom Expectations


     Students are expected to follow the Richmond County Board of Education Code of


     Enter class quietly, sit in your assigned seat, secure your supplies, complete your warm-

    up assignment as soon as you enter the room. Students are to bring all materials to class.

     No eating, drinking, or chewing gum in class without permission.

     No talking in class without permission from the teacher (Raise your hand to be


     Students are to be respectful and courteous to everyone in the classroom.

     Clean up your area after your closing assignment is completed or before you leave at


     All assignments must be turned in on time.

     Personal electronic use is not allowed (this includes cell phones) 

    * Follow the 5Ps (prompt, productive, positive, prepared, polite).*


    Consequences: Negative                                                      Consequences Positive:

    Warning                                                                                Panther Points

    Parent Call or email                                                              Free Time

    Time-out with another teacher                                              Treats

    Detention                                                                               Good Grades

    Loss of Privileges

     Office Referral


    Extra help:


    I will be available for after-school tutoring on Mondays. Please, let me know 24 hours in advance if your child will be staying for tutoring. Send a note, remind, or email to let me know your child is staying AND when they will be picked up and by whom. After-school sessions begin at 3:35 p.m. and students must be picked up no later than 4:15 p.m. Additionally, I can assist students during study skills class with permission from your teacher. 


    Teacher Availability:


    I am easiest to reach via Remind. You may also email me using addismi@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us


               Teacher Class Schedule:


                     1st - 7th Honors Grade World Studies 

                     2nd -7th Honors Grade World Studies 

                     3rd - Planning 

                     4th - Planning

                     5th - 7th Honors Grade World Studies  

                     6th - Study Skills  

                     7th - 7th Honors Grade World Studies 



    I am looking forward to teaching your child this year.




    Mrs. Rosier 


    ***The information in this syllabus is subject to change.

    *** Remind code @SSRosier. 


             Parents, please send me a message in remind letting me know you have read the syllabus by Friday, August 9, 2024.