Course Summary
7th Grade students will expand on their ability to identify central ideas by identifying how those themes are shaped and conveyed by particular details. Their analysis of basic literary elements will extend to identifying connections and complexities within narratives and how individual elements weave together to advance the plot and reveal character. The evaluation of the impact of language on tone and meaning will begin to include more sophisticated concepts such as analogy and allusion, subtleties in point of view such as dramatic irony, and a more sophisticated appreciation for connotative diction. These skills will be incorporated into the students’ own narrative and expository writing.
Required Materials
Composition Notebook(bound, marble-type notebook) Blue or Black Pen (for daily use)
2 pocket 3 prong plastic folder colored pencils for corrections
Grading Policy
Major Assessments 40% (tests, writing assignments, reading assignments, notebook assignments, and projects)Tests will be announced and may include vocabulary, comprehension, and short response questions.
Minor Assessments = 60% (classwork, quizzes, writing assignments, notebook checks, etc.) Quizzes may not be announced and they may cover smaller segments of vocabulary, comprehension, and short response questions.
Late/ Missing Assignments
Late work is defined as assignments that are submitted after the specified deadline. This does not apply to work submitted late due to absence from school. Students are expected to submit assignments on time.
Late homework will not be accepted.
Scores may be reduced by 5% per school day for a 25% maximum reduction (five school days)
Late work submitted after the fifth school day will only be accepted at the teacher’s discretion.
Multiple incidents of late work may result in a teacher-student-parent conference to examine and correct the student’s work habits through an academic contract.
Make-Up Assignments - It is the student’s responsibility to get any makeup or missed assignments from the teacher.
Relearn/ Reassess
Students who perform below 70% on a major assignment will be given the opportunity to relearn and reassess to show improvement in their mastery of the standard.
Students will submit a Relearning Plan as part of this process. This plan should include:
Analysis of their errors or misconceptions on the previous major assignment.
Complete assignments provided to relearn the content for mastery. Students may also attend a tutoring session.
Commit to date(s) and time(s) to redo the assignment or retake the assessment.
Share the plan with your parent and teacher for approval and signatures.
Upon satisfactory completion of the plan, as determined by the teacher, the student should be given a minimum of one opportunity to be reassessed.
Teachers should have discretion to determine if Relearn/Reassess opportunities will be given for any minor assessment.
Tutoring is available as needed by appointment only.
Classroom Management Policy
Students are expected to come to class with all required supplies daily. Students may borrow a pen from the community container, but if the borrowing becomes too frequent, parents will be notified and the student may receive detention for not being prepared for class.
As part of the Positive Behavior Initiative, we will celebrate academic achievements and good behavior with praise/ accolades, treats, and free time. In contrast, consequences for negative behavior will include timeout with another teacher, detention, loss of privileges, and a discipline referral.
Roberta S. Robinson, 7th Grade English Language Arts Teacher
School email - robinro2@richmond.k12.ga.us
School Phone number (706) 823-6933