Students enrolled in face-to-face classes may request books through the Destiny Library System. The Destiny Library System is used to search for and check out books. Students can access Destiny from their launchpads. The icon is green and has the words "Follett Destiny" in white. Just click on the icon, and the Destiny catalog will open.
After a student has used Destiny to place a hold on a book, Mrs. Husid will pull that book from the shelves, check it out to the student, and deliver it to the classroom. Students may check out 2 books at a time and may keep each book for 2 weeks. Returned books will be picked up when the new books are delivered to the classroom.
For instructions on how to place a hold on a book, watch the videos below.
Requesting Books with Destiny Catalog
Use this method if you are pretty certain you know what you want to read.
Browsing and Requesting Books with Destiny Discover
Use this method if you don't know what you want. in Destiny Discover, you can "browse". Destiny Discover can help you find books in your lexile band.