• 3rd GRADE           WELCOME to A.C.E.!!Engaging

    Click the following links below to learn more about A.C.E. this year!

    Welcome to A.C.E.!

    A.C.E. Syllabus


    JANUARY 21 Asynchronous ASSIGNMENT - Tuesday's Group

    Choice Board

    HaVe FUN WitH The ChOiCe BOARD!!  CHOose Your FavoRiTe AsSiGnmeNt!

    Be prepared to share it with the class!!!Unit 1: The Power of Inventions

    Unit 2: The Nervous System  

    Unit 3: Cartooning and Creative Writing




    thinkingRemember, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at bowmaav@richmond.k12.ga.us !!