Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. LaQuandra Staley
Hello and welcome to our 2nd grade family here at CT Walker Magent School!! I am LaQuandra Staley, and I am honored to be your child's teacher. CT Walker is a special place, and I am thrilled that I get to be a part of the family here. I will work hard to make this a positive and motivating year for your child and family. You are encouraged to be a participant in your child's education as we strive for success.
This will be my 12th year teaching and my 6th year at CT Walker! During my teaching career, I have taught Pre-K, 3rd grade and now 2nd. I graduated from Augusta University with my master's degree in Education. I love spending time with my family!
Each grade is a big transition for students and their parents. A 2nd grade education builds on what a child has learned in Kindergarten and 1st grade, and also sets the stage for the learning that will take place in the years to come. 2nd grade is such a fun grade and I know your child is going to learn so much.
Below are some of the skills and concepts that first grade students will learn:
- Become a fluent reader, improve their phonics, and comprehension
- Grammar skills
- Main Idea, Character Traits, Retell, Comparing and Contrasting
- Math skills such as adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers, solving word problems, learning geometric terms and measurement
- How to make scientific observations and record these in writing, pictures and/or graphs.
- Important figures and events in Georgia History
- And so many other things...
Please don't hesitate to contact me! You can reach me at 706-823-6950, email stalela@richmond.k12.ga.us or through ClassDojo!
Please encourage your child to work hard and to always do his/her very best! I’m looking forward to a great school year! Together, we will make this a successful year!
Mrs. Staley
Planning 10:25-11:10