• Contact Information

    Parents and guardians, it is your responsibility to maintain up-to-date contact information. This is mandatory. Please ensure we have the following:

    • Parent/guardian names
    • Cellular phone numbers
    • Current address

    Please provide this information to:

    1. Our school's data specialist
    2. Your child(ren)
    3. Your child's teachers


    The school is responsible for providing accurate bus information once your child is registered. As a parent/guardian, it is your duty to ensure your child knows their daily transportation method:

    • Bus rider
    • Walker
    • Car rider

    Behavior Policy

    Each teacher implements a behavior policy. We use the following 7 Steps Behavior Policy as an intervention to help students correct their own behavior:

    1. Nonverbal Warning – eye contact
    2. Verbal Warning
    3. Close proximity to teacher
    4. Redirect behavior & a note home
    5. Time out - IN classroom
    6. Time out - OUT of classroom to another classroom (5 minutes)
    7. Office Referral

    樱花动漫work Policy

    Our homework policy is designed to encourage consistent practice and parental involvement:

    • 樱花动漫work is sent home nightly, students' write their own HW assignments in agendas.
    • All homework is completed on paper each night.
    • Students can earn beep/class dojo points per day (Monday-Thursday).
    • Points are calculated into a weekly homework completion grade on Friday.
    • No submission results in zero points for that day.
    • Parents should:
      1. Preview and assist with homework nightly
      2. Sign the agenda to confirm homework completion

    Make-Up Work Policy

    At our school, we understand that absences can happen. To ensure you stay on track with your studies, we have the following policy for make-up work:

    1. Student Responsibility:
      If you are absent, it is your responsibility to complete all missed assignments.

    2. Time Frame:
      You have 5 days from the date of your absence to complete and submit all the make-up work.

    3. Canvas Platform:
      All assignments will be posted on Canvas. This ensures you have access to your work even during unexpected absences.

    4. Checking In:
      Upon your return to school, please check in with Dr. Warthen to confirm you have received all missing assignments.

    5. Accessing Assignments:
      Log into Canvas to find and complete your make-up work. If you have any issues accessing the platform, please inform Dr. Warthen immediately.

    6. Extended Absences:
      For prolonged absences, please contact Dr. Warthen to discuss a suitable timeline for completing missed work.

    Remember, staying up-to-date with your assignments is crucial for your academic success. If you have any questions or concerns about make-up work, don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Warthen or your other teachers for guidance.
